According to the verilog article on wikipedia, when a non-blocking
assignment is used, the action doesn't take place until the next clock
cycle (I'm guessing this applies to when the clock is in the
sensitivity list). I'm not sure I understand why this is the case, as
well as, why this is not the case for blocking assignment. In other
words, why is it not just a matter of how the gates are arranged in
blocking vs non-blocking, and why would the clock have anything to do
with that?
assignment is used, the action doesn't take place until the next clock
cycle (I'm guessing this applies to when the clock is in the
sensitivity list). I'm not sure I understand why this is the case, as
well as, why this is not the case for blocking assignment. In other
words, why is it not just a matter of how the gates are arranged in
blocking vs non-blocking, and why would the clock have anything to do
with that?