Noise Suppression



Noise Suppression: My old refrigerator used to put out a lot of
electrical noise on the AC line and upset my home X10 system. Got rid
of it. My new refrigerator was noise free for 5 years but now it is
putting out noise on the AC line.

So, is there a effective commercial small unit that I can plug in the
wall and then plug the refrigerator into to suppress the noise at the
Noise Suppression: My old refrigerator used to put out a lot of electrical
noise on the AC line and upset my home X10 system. Got rid of it. My new
refrigerator was noise free for 5 years but now it is putting out noise on
the AC line.
** Indicates the internal suppression cap has failed.

So, is there a effective commercial small unit that I can plug in the wall
and then plug the refrigerator into to suppress the noise at the source?

** Plug-in noise suppressors exist - but just might affect the X10 system.

Far better to get the fridge fixed.

.... Phil

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