George Herold
Im a bit embarrassed to be asking this question, (I thought I
understood this circuit.) But Ive gotten myself confused. Im
looking at voltage noise gain in TIA amplifiers. I understand the
cause of the gain increase as the frequency goes up, the capacitance
to ground at the inverting input. But why do I get a huge peak right
where the voltage gain crosses the open loop gain curve of the opamp?
Do I need to write down the loop equations and solve them? Some term
in the denominator is blowing up (going to zero).
I had this silly idea that the noise gain is rising at 10dB/dec and
the opamp open loop gain is decreasing by the same amount so that once
they meet the gain would then stay constant as a function of
frequency. This obviously doesnt happen, and I did a quick
George (feeling like an idiot) Herold
Spice file follows. (I tried adding the file as an attachement but
couldn't do that via google groups.)
Version 4
SHEET 1 5945676 13421556
WIRE 1440 -96 1392 -96
WIRE 1536 -96 1504 -96
WIRE 1392 -32 1392 -96
WIRE 1424 -32 1392 -32
WIRE 1536 -32 1536 -96
WIRE 1536 -32 1504 -32
WIRE 1296 64 1264 64
WIRE 1392 64 1392 -32
WIRE 1392 64 1360 64
WIRE 1440 64 1392 64
WIRE 1536 80 1536 -32
WIRE 1536 80 1504 80
WIRE 1568 80 1536 80
WIRE 1440 96 1408 96
WIRE 1408 112 1408 96
WIRE 1408 224 1408 192
WIRE 1264 240 1264 64
FLAG 1264 240 0
FLAG 1408 224 0
SYMBOL voltage 1408 96 R0
WINDOW 0 44 47 Left 0
WINDOW 123 44 90 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value ""
SYMATTR Value2 AC 1.
SYMBOL cap 1360 48 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1.6n
SYMATTR SpiceLine Aol=10K
SYMBOL res 1520 -48 R90
WINDOW 0 56 92 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 34 27 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100K
SYMBOL cap 1504 -112 R90
WINDOW 0 -2 69 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 -27 -19 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 0p
TEXT 1888 256 Left 0 !.ac oct 25 1k 10Meg
TEXT 1888 296 Left 0 !.include opamp.sub
Im a bit embarrassed to be asking this question, (I thought I
understood this circuit.) But Ive gotten myself confused. Im
looking at voltage noise gain in TIA amplifiers. I understand the
cause of the gain increase as the frequency goes up, the capacitance
to ground at the inverting input. But why do I get a huge peak right
where the voltage gain crosses the open loop gain curve of the opamp?
Do I need to write down the loop equations and solve them? Some term
in the denominator is blowing up (going to zero).
I had this silly idea that the noise gain is rising at 10dB/dec and
the opamp open loop gain is decreasing by the same amount so that once
they meet the gain would then stay constant as a function of
frequency. This obviously doesnt happen, and I did a quick
George (feeling like an idiot) Herold
understood this circuit.) But Ive gotten myself confused. Im
looking at voltage noise gain in TIA amplifiers. I understand the
cause of the gain increase as the frequency goes up, the capacitance
to ground at the inverting input. But why do I get a huge peak right
where the voltage gain crosses the open loop gain curve of the opamp?
Do I need to write down the loop equations and solve them? Some term
in the denominator is blowing up (going to zero).
I had this silly idea that the noise gain is rising at 10dB/dec and
the opamp open loop gain is decreasing by the same amount so that once
they meet the gain would then stay constant as a function of
frequency. This obviously doesnt happen, and I did a quick
George (feeling like an idiot) Herold
Spice file follows. (I tried adding the file as an attachement but
couldn't do that via google groups.)
Version 4
SHEET 1 5945676 13421556
WIRE 1440 -96 1392 -96
WIRE 1536 -96 1504 -96
WIRE 1392 -32 1392 -96
WIRE 1424 -32 1392 -32
WIRE 1536 -32 1536 -96
WIRE 1536 -32 1504 -32
WIRE 1296 64 1264 64
WIRE 1392 64 1392 -32
WIRE 1392 64 1360 64
WIRE 1440 64 1392 64
WIRE 1536 80 1536 -32
WIRE 1536 80 1504 80
WIRE 1568 80 1536 80
WIRE 1440 96 1408 96
WIRE 1408 112 1408 96
WIRE 1408 224 1408 192
WIRE 1264 240 1264 64
FLAG 1264 240 0
FLAG 1408 224 0
SYMBOL voltage 1408 96 R0
WINDOW 0 44 47 Left 0
WINDOW 123 44 90 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value ""
SYMATTR Value2 AC 1.
SYMBOL cap 1360 48 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1.6n
SYMATTR SpiceLine Aol=10K
SYMBOL res 1520 -48 R90
WINDOW 0 56 92 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 34 27 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100K
SYMBOL cap 1504 -112 R90
WINDOW 0 -2 69 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 -27 -19 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 0p
TEXT 1888 256 Left 0 !.ac oct 25 1k 10Meg
TEXT 1888 296 Left 0 !.include opamp.sub
Im a bit embarrassed to be asking this question, (I thought I
understood this circuit.) But Ive gotten myself confused. Im
looking at voltage noise gain in TIA amplifiers. I understand the
cause of the gain increase as the frequency goes up, the capacitance
to ground at the inverting input. But why do I get a huge peak right
where the voltage gain crosses the open loop gain curve of the opamp?
Do I need to write down the loop equations and solve them? Some term
in the denominator is blowing up (going to zero).
I had this silly idea that the noise gain is rising at 10dB/dec and
the opamp open loop gain is decreasing by the same amount so that once
they meet the gain would then stay constant as a function of
frequency. This obviously doesnt happen, and I did a quick
George (feeling like an idiot) Herold