nodal potential modified method ???



what's the method in object?

I know the nodal potential method for a electrical
network linear time-invariant... but I've read than
the nodal potential modified method is the method which
SPICE use for the solution...

------ ------ ------ ------
thanks for suggestions
"gooliver" <> wrote in message
what's the method in object?

I know the nodal potential method for a electrical
network linear time-invariant... but I've read than
the nodal potential modified method is the method which
SPICE use for the solution...

------ ------ ------ ------
thanks for suggestions
Nodal vs loop solutions generally mean fewer equations to solve. In
addition, it is relatively easy to input circuit data from a table and the
process is well suited to a standard algorithm to build the admittance
matrix. (loop analysis requires making choices -not so good for the idiot
box and not standardised for every circuit).
As long as the circuit is linear- no problem. If non-linear, then it becomes
a step by step situation- solve a linear model, modify for non-linearities
and repeat until, hopefully, convergence occurs.
I've not used SPICE but I expect that the above are the basic reasons for
its use.

I do know that nodal analysis is the standard for power system load flows
and stability studies which are larger than anything that SPICE would be
expected to handle (often several thousand non-linear simultaneous
equations for the load flow and for stability, this is done at each step of
the solution of a large set of non-linear differential equations)

Don Kelly
remove the urine to answer
Don Kelly wrote:
"gooliver" <> wrote in message
what's the method in object?

I know the nodal potential method for a electrical
network linear time-invariant... but I've read than
the nodal potential modified method is the method which
SPICE use for the solution...

------ ------ ------ ------
thanks for suggestions
Nodal vs loop solutions generally mean fewer equations to solve. In
addition, it is relatively easy to input circuit data from a table
and the process is well suited to a standard algorithm to build the
admittance matrix. (loop analysis requires making choices -not so
good for the idiot box and not standardised for every circuit).
As long as the circuit is linear- no problem. If non-linear, then it
becomes a step by step situation- solve a linear model, modify for
non-linearities and repeat until, hopefully, convergence occurs.
I've not used SPICE but I expect that the above are the basic reasons
for its use.
You should rectify that problem. Spice is wonmderfull.

I do know that nodal analysis is the standard for power system load
flows and stability studies which are larger than anything that SPICE
would be expected to handle (often several thousand non-linear
simultaneous equations for the load flow and for stability, this is
done at each step of the solution of a large set of non-linear
differential equations)
Spice is used to solve circuits with milions of transisters.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.

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