Paul Burridge
Posted this question to the User Group but it didn't appear so hoping
for better luck here.
There doesn't seem to be a category for diodes in the component list!
A rather curious omission. One can place one on the schematic from the
Spice list but it won't translate onto the PCB. AIUI, none of the
Spice symbols will. Every other type of device seems present in the
(drop-down) component list but not diodes. Also, all the capacitors
seem to be SMD footprints and there are no through-hole types. What's
going on here?
The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.
Posted this question to the User Group but it didn't appear so hoping
for better luck here.
There doesn't seem to be a category for diodes in the component list!
A rather curious omission. One can place one on the schematic from the
Spice list but it won't translate onto the PCB. AIUI, none of the
Spice symbols will. Every other type of device seems present in the
(drop-down) component list but not diodes. Also, all the capacitors
seem to be SMD footprints and there are no through-hole types. What's
going on here?
The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.