
It gets up peoples noses, they all complain they all say you should upload
them somewhere else and tell us were to go,

But the strange thing is they never tell us were a suitable place is that
you can put your picture, diagram whatever, does anybody know? or is it
some people just like complaining?
Frank wrote:
But the strange thing is they never tell us were a suitable place is that
you can put your picture, diagram whatever, does anybody know? or is it
some people just like complaining?
Both. Try posting to news:alt.binaries.schematics.electronics, if
you don't have access to a webpage.
It gets up peoples noses, they all complain they all say you should upload
them somewhere else and tell us were to go,

But the strange thing is they never tell us were a suitable place is that
you can put your picture, diagram whatever, does anybody know? or is it
some people just like complaining?

** So Frank did not read this post on July 6th:

RE: Anyone know what connector this is?


" ** Just post that darn pic as an attachment on:

" alt.binaries.schematics.electronic ".

Most likely get your answer in one pop. "


** Was that maybe because Frank did not like this one ?? :



tell me then were the **** do you get a bottom reader from,

You open up a reply you start reading at the top that is were my reply is
** Go to Google and put " top posting " in the search bar.

Read all the hits - it will take you a while.

Then learn not to be such a fucking Kiwi prick.


** Can't be - since it was posted on July 8th.

............. Phil
just fuck off, phil, you pedantic old wanker

top posters rule, ok.

and it's good to gut the posting of all the crap as well.
"Ed -|-"
just fuck off, phil, you pedantic old wanker

top posters rule, ok.

and it's good to gut the posting of all the crap as well.

** A horse is a horse, of course of course.

And no-one can talk to a horse, of course

Especially when the cunt's name is "Ed -|-"

.......... Phil
Are you incapable of stringing together a couple of words without
swearing all the time. Think it makes you look big? Pathetic!

Phil Allison wrote: [ the usual filth ]

Are you incapable of stringing together a couple of words without
swearing all the time.

** Tell use why you did NOT make the same criticism of Ed ??

Selective vision ?

Ed is a friend of yours ?

........... Phil
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 06:15:27 +1000, wrote:

Are you incapable of stringing together a couple of words without
swearing all the time. Think it makes you look big? Pathetic!

Phil Allison wrote: [ the usual filth ]
who exactly were you having a go at here ?

phil = 1 naughty word
Ed - = 3 naughty words
Are you incapable of stringing together a couple of words without
swearing all the time. Think it makes you look big? Pathetic!

Phil Allison wrote: [ the usual filth ]

who exactly were you having a go at here ?

phil = 1 naughty word
Ed - = 3 naughty words

** Hey - you gotta give me a few brownie points for my brilliant parody of
the Mr Ed song !!

PLUS the fact I was defending my self from public, gratuitous abuse.

.......... Phil
Phil, I can see your halo is feebly glowing, again.
keep it up.
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:33:32 +0800, Ed -|- wrote:

Phil, I can see your halo is feebly glowing, again.
keep it up.
It's not a halo. He must be bending over...
LOL, your eyesight is better than mine then

ps i was only responding to phyllis
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 17:26:44 +0800, Ed -|- wrote:

LOL, your eyesight is better than mine then

ps i was only responding to phyllis
S'ok. I was only being helpful, don'cha'no.

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