Nice "build -in" AC meter



Could cost a bit less. Could be stocked a bit better than they are.
Could have a faster lead time for restocking, given how few are
generally in stock at the typical 3 (mouser, digikey, newark - perhaps
some other place has the pile of stock and low price to match, but I
haven't found them yet...)

Murata Datel ACM20 - nice little meters, volts, amps, watts, power
factor (or volts amps watts frequency), either 30 or 100 amps. Despite
my whining they could cost less, they already do cost less with an
attached current transformer than some meters that need one and don't
have them (and don't measure anything but amps.)

Got one to put on the well control box, in hopes of getting an early
insight to failing pump before the final symptom (no water - pump must
be broke.) Check back in a decade or so to see how that worked out.
While I'd love to put them several other places, not going to happen
much at $65 a pop. Other than not having the totalizing function, this
does provide (for those who can do wiring and fabrication) a tool
similar to the Kill A Watt that works on 240 (actually 85-264VAC, and
47-63 hz.) The frequency model could be handy on a generator set.

They manage quite small while also having a fairly big display.

Not affiliated, just a fairly happy customer.

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