Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or Captured,\' Russia Says Madeline Roache, NewsGuard - 1h ago...


a a

Watch \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\" film about deadly projects

Official explanations from the U.S. about the financing of 46 biolaboratories in Ukraine are a \'\"prosecutor\'s dream,\" Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said, commenting on a statement that was published on the Pentagon\'s website..

This is how the Americans justify themselves: They say they wanted to reduce the threat of global terrorism by attracting scientists from the former Soviet republics to do biological research. But, to be more precise, it was to develop biological weapons. How else can we understand the Pi-268 project, involving Colorado universities and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which dealt with pathogens carried by the Aedes species of mosquitoes. The viral preparation was created at the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev and transported to the US for field testing.

In its statement, the Pentagon acknowledged that it supervised a project carried out by Ukraine\'s Science and Technology Center.

According to our Defense Ministry, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center Andrew Hood wrote to Washington, saying that \"More than 30% of the participants are former scientists with experience in the development of weapons of mass destruction.\"

Since 2015, when the Pentagon began a large-scale financing of Ukrainian projects, multiple cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among military personnel, as well as residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk People\'s Republics.

According to a report by the Ministry of Health of the Donetsk People\'s Republic, in 2016, the incidence of tularemia increased by 9.5 times compared to 2007.

More information about the deadly work that was commissioned by the Pentagon in the strictest secrecy and and right on Russia\'s borders can be found in the film \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\". Watch today, June 19, right after the Vremya program.
Google spam...

a a <> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:600c:354f:b0:39c:78c8:a854 with SMTP id i15-20020a05600c354f00b0039c78c8a854mr647166wmq.121.1655855612728;
Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a0d:cbc8:0:b0:317:95ef:399e with SMTP id
n191-20020a0dcbc8000000b0031795ef399emr904699ywd.340.1655855612212; Tue, 21
Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Path: not-for-mail
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=XS5sXwoAAABKU0kHcsk_nashWaidAu0Q
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <
Subject: Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or
Captured,\' Russia Says Madeline Roache, NewsGuard - 1h ago
From: a a <
Injection-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:53:32 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Received-Bytes: 3512

Watch \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\" film about deadly projects

Official explanations from the U.S. about the financing of 46 biolaboratori=
es in Ukraine are a \'\"prosecutor\'s dream,\" Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiatio=
n, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, s=
aid, commenting on a statement that was published on the Pentagon\'s website=

This is how the Americans justify themselves: They say they wanted to reduc=
e the threat of global terrorism by attracting scientists from the former S=
oviet republics to do biological research. But, to be more precise, it was =
to develop biological weapons. How else can we understand the Pi-268 projec=
t, involving Colorado universities and Taras Shevchenko National University=
of Kyiv, which dealt with pathogens carried by the Aedes species of mosqui=
toes. The viral preparation was created at the Taras Shevchenko National Un=
iversity in Kiev and transported to the US for field testing.

In its statement, the Pentagon acknowledged that it supervised a project ca=
rried out by Ukraine\'s Science and Technology Center.

According to our Defense Ministry, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Scie=
nce and Technology Center Andrew Hood wrote to Washington, saying that \"Mor=
e than 30% of the participants are former scientists with experience in the=
development of weapons of mass destruction.\"

Since 2015, when the Pentagon began a large-scale financing of Ukrainian pr=
ojects, multiple cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among mili=
tary personnel, as well as residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk People\'s Re=

According to a report by the Ministry of Health of the Donetsk People\'s Rep=
ublic, in 2016, the incidence of tularemia increased by 9.5 times compared =
to 2007.

More information about the deadly work that was commissioned by the Pentago=
n in the strictest secrecy and and right on Russia\'s borders can be found i=
n the film \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\". Watch today, June 19, =
right after the Vremya program.
In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$>
( posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) John Doe stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 63.4% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 2108 articles to USENET. Of which 175 have been pure insults and
1162 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 02:28:18 GMT in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Doe does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 4:53:38 PM UTC-7, a a wrote:

> Since 2015, when the Pentagon began a large-scale financing of Ukrainian projects, multiple cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among military personnel, as well as residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk People\'s Republics.

Hah! You have heard, have you not, that the first casualty of war is truth? The \'official\'
reports of health \'among military personnel\' isn\'t a good indicator during times of armed
conflict. This has all the hallmarks of a misinformation campaign.
Eddie, the Astraweb nym-shifting stalker is flagging off-topic posts
with its forgery of my ID, then replies to its own forgery. Strange but true.

Eddie has never posted anything NORMAL except when it got a spanking...

See also...
Bertrand Sindri <bertrand.sindri>
John Doe <always.look message.header> (Astraweb,
Peter Weiner <dtgamer99>
Edward H. <dtgamer99>
Edward Hernandez <dtgamer99>

John Doe <always.look@message.header> wrote:

From: John Doe <always.look@message.header
Subject: Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or
References: <
Injection-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 22:28:17 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=\"aefae07b417003b570527823e77a9930\"; logging-data=\"29200\"; mail-complaints-to=\"\"; posting-account=\"U2FsdGVkX18QBXYPJWay5G0R7zD10mjY5gUD5xOvt6I=\"
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.08.05
Lines: 69
Message-ID: <67vsK.311039$
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 02:28:18 UTC
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 02:28:18 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 4427
Xref: free.spam:19470

Google spam...

a a <> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:600c:354f:b0:39c:78c8:a854 with SMTP id i15-20020a05600c354f00b0039c78c8a854mr647166wmq.121.1655855612728;
Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a0d:cbc8:0:b0:317:95ef:399e with SMTP id
n191-20020a0dcbc8000000b0031795ef399emr904699ywd.340.1655855612212; Tue, 21
Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Path: not-for-mail
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=XS5sXwoAAABKU0kHcsk_nashWaidAu0Q
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <
Subject: Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or
Captured,\' Russia Says Madeline Roache, NewsGuard - 1h ago
From: a a <
Injection-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:53:32 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-Received-Bytes: 3512

Watch \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\" film about deadly projects

Official explanations from the U.S. about the financing of 46 biolaboratori=
es in Ukraine are a \'\"prosecutor\'s dream,\" Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiatio=
n, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, s=
aid, commenting on a statement that was published on the Pentagon\'s website=

This is how the Americans justify themselves: They say they wanted to reduc=
e the threat of global terrorism by attracting scientists from the former S=
oviet republics to do biological research. But, to be more precise, it was =
to develop biological weapons. How else can we understand the Pi-268 projec=
t, involving Colorado universities and Taras Shevchenko National University=
of Kyiv, which dealt with pathogens carried by the Aedes species of mosqui=
toes. The viral preparation was created at the Taras Shevchenko National Un=
iversity in Kiev and transported to the US for field testing.

In its statement, the Pentagon acknowledged that it supervised a project ca=
rried out by Ukraine\'s Science and Technology Center.

According to our Defense Ministry, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Scie=
nce and Technology Center Andrew Hood wrote to Washington, saying that \"Mor=
e than 30% of the participants are former scientists with experience in the=
development of weapons of mass destruction.\"

Since 2015, when the Pentagon began a large-scale financing of Ukrainian pr=
ojects, multiple cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among mili=
tary personnel, as well as residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk People\'s Re=

According to a report by the Ministry of Health of the Donetsk People\'s Rep=
ublic, in 2016, the incidence of tularemia increased by 9.5 times compared =
to 2007.

More information about the deadly work that was commissioned by the Pentago=
n in the strictest secrecy and and right on Russia\'s borders can be found i=
n the film \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\". Watch today, June 19, =
right after the Vremya program.
In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$>
( posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) John Doe stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe\'s post ratio to
USENET (**) has been 63.5% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Doe has posted at
least 2115 articles to USENET. Of which 175 have been pure insults and
1169 have been John Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless Troll Doe has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 04:57:08 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Dope does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine.
It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.

World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.

That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault. The officials
we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.

a a <> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a05:600c:354f:b0:39c:78c8:a854 with SMTP id i15-20020a05600c354f00b0039c78c8a854mr647166wmq.121.1655855612728; Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a0d:cbc8:0:b0:317:95ef:399e with SMTP id n191-20020a0dcbc8000000b0031795ef399emr904699ywd.340.1655855612212; Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:53:32 -0700 (PDT)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=XS5sXwoAAABKU0kHcsk_nashWaidAu0Q
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <
Subject: Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or Captured,\' Russia Says Madeline Roache, NewsGuard - 1h ago
From: a a <
Injection-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 23:53:32 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Watch \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\" film about deadly projects

Official explanations from the U.S. about the financing of 46 biolaboratories in Ukraine are a \'\"prosecutor\'s dream,\" Igor Kirillov, Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, said, commenting on a statement that was published on the Pentagon\'s website.

This is how the Americans justify themselves: They say they wanted to reduce the threat of global terrorism by attracting scientists from the former Soviet republics to do biological research. But, to be more precise, it was to develop biological weapons. How else can we understand the Pi-268 project, involving Colorado universities and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which dealt with pathogens carried by the Aedes species of mosquitoes. The viral preparation was created at the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev and transported to the US for field testing.

In its statement, the Pentagon acknowledged that it supervised a project carried out by Ukraine\'s Science and Technology Center.

According to our Defense Ministry, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center Andrew Hood wrote to Washington, saying that \"More than 30% of the participants are former scientists with experience in the development of weapons of mass destruction.\"

Since 2015, when the Pentagon began a large-scale financing of Ukrainian projects, multiple cases of infectious diseases have been recorded among military personnel, as well as residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk People\'s Republics.

According to a report by the Ministry of Health of the Donetsk People\'s Republic, in 2016, the incidence of tularemia increased by 9.5 times compared to 2007.

More information about the deadly work that was commissioned by the Pentagon in the strictest secrecy and and right on Russia\'s borders can be found in the film \"Bioweapons of the Devil\'s Laboratories\". Watch today, June 19, right after the Vremya program.
In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$>
( posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 63.8% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 2130 articles to USENET. Of which 175 have been pure insults and
1184 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless Troll Doe has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 05:34:50 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Doe does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:34:57 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
> a a <> wrote:

<snipped the usual twaddle>

> Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine.

John Doe only speaks for intellectually sub-average Americans - idiots and cretins.

> It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.

Not exactly. In this context \"the rest of us\" seems to be Flyguy, a a and John Doe.

World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.

Not recently. John Doe has a habit of citing selected chunks chopped out of very old text in a way that suggest that they mean something quite different from the original intention.

> That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault.

The Russian invasion was the proximal cause.

> The officials we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.

In John Doe\'s ill-informed opinion.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Wednesday, 22 June 2022 at 12:36:11 UTC+2, wrote:
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:34:57 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
a a <> wrote:

snipped the usual twaddle
Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine.
John Doe only speaks for intellectually sub-average Americans - idiots and cretins.
It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.
Not exactly. In this context \"the rest of us\" seems to be Flyguy, a a and John Doe.
World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.
Not recently. John Doe has a habit of citing selected chunks chopped out of very old text in a way that suggest that they mean something quite different from the original intention.
That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault.
The Russian invasion was the proximal cause.
The officials we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.
In John Doe\'s ill-informed opinion.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill, don\'t be silly

contact Bill at Microsoft, Newsweek directly with your questions
Bozo is blatantly ignorant as always. Flyguy is not on my side \"in this

Almost anybody except maybe bozo can do a tiny bit of research to know
what I said is true.

Bozo is a devout cannibal leftist from Australia who knows nothing about

Anthony William Sloman <> wrote:

X-Received: by 2002:a5d:604a:0:b0:21b:9517:66eb with SMTP id j10-20020a5d604a000000b0021b951766ebmr2609646wrt.494.1655894165473; Wed, 22 Jun 2022 03:36:05 -0700 (PDT)
X-Received: by 2002:a05:690c:97:b0:2f1:9582:6685 with SMTP id be23-20020a05690c009700b002f195826685mr3424825ywb.395.1655894164943; Wed, 22 Jun 2022 03:36:04 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 03:36:04 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <t8u9lp$d94$
Injection-Info:; posting-host=; posting-account=SJ46pgoAAABuUDuHc5uDiXN30ATE-zi-
References: <> <t8u9lp$d94$
User-Agent: G2/1.0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Message-ID: <
Subject: Re: Newsweek Newsweek U.S. Mercenaries in Ukraine Have Been \'Destroyed or Captured,\' Russia Says Madeline Roache, NewsGuard - 1h ago
From: Anthony William Sloman <
Injection-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 10:36:05 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:34:57 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
a a <> wrote:

snipped the usual twaddle

Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine.

John Doe only speaks for intellectually sub-average Americans - idiots and cretins.

It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.

Not exactly. In this context \"the rest of us\" seems to be Flyguy, a a and John Doe.

World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.

Not recently. John Doe has a habit of citing selected chunks chopped out of very old text in a way that suggest that they mean something quite different from the original intention.

That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault.

The Russian invasion was the proximal cause.

The officials we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.

In John Doe\'s ill-informed opinion.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Troll Doe stated the following in message-id
( posted Fri, 4 Mar 2022
08:01:09 -0000 (UTC):

Compared to other regulars, Bozo contributes practically nothing
except insults to this group.

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 63.9% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) Troll Doe has posted at
least 2150 articles to USENET. Of which 176 have been pure insults and
1197 have been Troll Doe \"troll format\" postings.

The Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the Troll Doe stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless Troll Doe has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Wed, 22 Jun 2022 21:01:40 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that Troll Doe does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11:01:46 PM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
Anthony William Sloman <> wrote:

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:34:57 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
a a <> wrote:

snipped the usual twaddle

Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine.

John Doe only speaks for intellectually sub-average Americans - idiots and cretins.

It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.

Not exactly. In this context \"the rest of us\" seems to be Flyguy, a a and John Doe.

Bozo is blatantly ignorant as always. Flyguy is not on my side \"in this context\".

Flyguy is definitely stupid enough to share your demented point of view. John Doe does seem to like invoking some kind of silent majority of brain-damaged Americans who he imagines share his demented delusions. He has never posted anything to suggest that any of them have any real existence - any more than his imaginary \"cannibal leftists\". Flyguy does seem to exist - though he has been quiet for a whole, unless he has become \"a a\".

World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.

Not recently. John Doe has a habit of citing selected chunks chopped out of very old text in a way that suggest that they mean something quite different from the original intention.

That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault.

The Russian invasion was the proximal cause.

The officials we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.

In John Doe\'s ill-informed opinion.
Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 2:58:17 PM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
Anthony William Sloman <> wrote:
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11:01:46 PM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
Anthony William Sloman <> wrote:
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:34:57 AM UTC+2, John Doe wrote:
a a <> wrote:

snipped the usual twaddle

Average Americans are against our government\'s proxy war in Ukraine..

John Doe only speaks for intellectually sub-average Americans - idiots and cretins.

It\'s Washington liberals and neocons versus the rest of us.

Not exactly. In this context \"the rest of us\" seems to be Flyguy, a a and John Doe.

Bozo is blatantly ignorant as always. Flyguy is not on my side \"in this context\".

Flyguy is definitely stupid enough to share your demented point of view.. John Doe does seem to like invoking some kind of silent majority of brain-damaged Americans who he imagines share his demented delusions. He has never posted anything to suggest that any of them have any real existence - any more than his imaginary \"cannibal leftists\". Flyguy does seem to exist - though he has been quiet for a whole, unless he has become \"a a\".

World renowned AMERICAN diplomats like Henry Kissinger (and others)
have warned against cornering Russia and have pushed for peace.

Not recently. John Doe has a habit of citing selected chunks chopped out of very old texts in a way that suggest that they mean something quite different from the original intention.

That proxy war is not the American people\'s fault.

The Russian invasion was the proximal cause.

The officials we Americans elect have little control over our federal government.

In John Doe\'s ill-informed opinion.

Bill changed the argument to sidestep its lie.

Actually, I didn\'t, but John Doe hasn\'t got a clue what an argument looks like and rather likes the phase \"changed the argument\".

> Such is the way of this chronic liar. When refuted, it just makes up more lies to cover its prior lies.

Not that John Doe has ever refuted a lie in it\'s life. It doesn\'t know how. I didn\'t - in fact - post anything that wasn\'t obviously true, but John Doe likes to label truths that he finds inconvenient as \"lies\" and thinks that doing this constitutes some kind of \"refutation\".

Bill Sloman, Sydney
How stupid is the John Doe troll?

The John Doe troll posting one of its vacuous insults at 05:39:20 UTC on
20 Mar 2022 with a grammatical error:

Then, at 05:55:56 UTC, 16 minutes and 36 seconds later, the John Doe
troll responds to its own post with a correction, but stupidly forgets
that it sets a Followup-To: header to the \"\", resulting in
its correction article posting only to \"\":

The John Doe troll, mister \"always.look@message.header\", is so stupid it
does not even remember it sets a Followup-To: header in its own vacuous

Special thanks to corvid <bl@ckb.ird> for pointing out the stupidity of
the John Doe troll:

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has continued to post incorrectly
formatted USENET articles that are devoid of content (latest example on
Thu, 23 Jun 2022 12:58:11 -0000 (UTC) in message-id

NOBODY likes the John Doe troll\'s contentless spam.

This posting is a public service announcement for any google groups
readers who happen by to point out that John Doe does not even follow
the rules it uses to troll other posters.

In message-id <t6nt3e$7bp$>
( posted Thu, 26 May 2022
12:50:54 -0000 (UTC) John Dope stated:

Always Wrong, the utterly foulmouthed group idiot, adding absolutely
NOTHING but insults to this thread, as usual...

Yet, since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Dope\'s post ratio
to USENET (**) has been 64.4% of its posts contributing \"nothing except
insults\" to USENET.

** Since Wed, 5 Jan 2022 04:10:38 -0000 (UTC) John Dope has posted at
least 2224 articles to USENET. Of which 176 have been pure insults and
1257 have been John Dope \"troll format\" postings.

The John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

> The troll doesn\'t even know how to format a USENET post...

And the John Doe troll stated the following in message-id

The reason Bozo cannot figure out how to get Google to keep from
breaking its lines in inappropriate places is because Bozo is

And yet, the clueless John Doe troll has itself posted yet another
incorrectly formatted USENET posting on Thu, 23 Jun 2022 13:29:59 -0000
(UTC) in message-id <t91psn$gv0$>.


Welcome to

