Thomas Scarborough
Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE) magazine very kindly released my small
designs back to me, so that I have been assembling a series of small
books -- The Best of Thomas Scarborough. These are available on the
Internet as downloads ($1) or in print ($6.95) through www.lulu.com. I am
making the first book in the series available free, gratis, to all. If you
should have an interest, I would be pleased to e-mail you a copy of this
book for your website (about 600k in .pdf).
All of the books (four to date) may be seen simultaneously at
http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=980032 The foreword follows
below, by EPE On-Line Editor Alan Winstanley. I have added brief
descriptions of the content, also below.
For those who might not recognise my name, I was until recently, arguably,
the world's most widely published electronics designer-writer. My designs
have appeared on the front covers of Elektor, Everyday Practical
Electronics, Nuts & Volts, Popular Mechanics, Servo, and Silicon Chip
magazines. Many have gone into production. I have been particularly well
known for my small designs, which have won several awards.
With kind regards,
Thomas Scarborough.
E-mail scarboro@iafrica.com
Thomas Scarborough first caught my eye by contributing small circuit
novelties to the "Ingenuity Unlimited" column of Everyday Practical
Electronics magazine in the 1990s. Soon his ideas were flowing thick and
fast, and before long Thomas was authoring superbly presented
constructional articles of the highest standards and clarity.
Thomas has an infectious enthusiasm that enthrals and inspires hobbyists,
encouraging them to dabble with his modestly proportioned but thoroughly
developed applications. I am delighted to introduce this series of books, an
ensemble of simple electronic ideas utilising no more than six
components. I am sure they will entertain, fascinate and captivate
electronics constructors everywhere.
Alan R. Winstanley,
On-Line Editor of Everyday Practical Electronics.
BOOK 1 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: a sensitive
and stable BFO Metal Detector, a Thousand-Year Flasher, an Electric Shock
Machine! a Haffler Effect Unit (i.e. a third channel for stereo systems),
and a useful Power Switch -- with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 2 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: SONAR (sound
navigation ranging), a Super-Sensitive Microphone, a 3V to 6V Generator, a
Battery LED (this describes how to use LEDs), and a LED Torch (which may be
powered off the generator) -- with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 3 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: a
fascinating Thunderstorm Monitor, a Double Doorbell, a Christmas novelty (to
make one's cheeks gloowowow from within), Pot-Plant Power (to power
micropower circuits off pot plants), and a versatile Sensitive Switch --
with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 4 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: an effective
Wart Zapper (Remover), a Cat (or Dog) Scarer, a Magnetic Key, a Code Lock,
and a classic Optical Illusion (proving the subjective nature of
experience) -- with many "further suggestions".
Everyday Practical Electronics (EPE) magazine very kindly released my small
designs back to me, so that I have been assembling a series of small
books -- The Best of Thomas Scarborough. These are available on the
Internet as downloads ($1) or in print ($6.95) through www.lulu.com. I am
making the first book in the series available free, gratis, to all. If you
should have an interest, I would be pleased to e-mail you a copy of this
book for your website (about 600k in .pdf).
All of the books (four to date) may be seen simultaneously at
http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=980032 The foreword follows
below, by EPE On-Line Editor Alan Winstanley. I have added brief
descriptions of the content, also below.
For those who might not recognise my name, I was until recently, arguably,
the world's most widely published electronics designer-writer. My designs
have appeared on the front covers of Elektor, Everyday Practical
Electronics, Nuts & Volts, Popular Mechanics, Servo, and Silicon Chip
magazines. Many have gone into production. I have been particularly well
known for my small designs, which have won several awards.
With kind regards,
Thomas Scarborough.
E-mail scarboro@iafrica.com
Thomas Scarborough first caught my eye by contributing small circuit
novelties to the "Ingenuity Unlimited" column of Everyday Practical
Electronics magazine in the 1990s. Soon his ideas were flowing thick and
fast, and before long Thomas was authoring superbly presented
constructional articles of the highest standards and clarity.
Thomas has an infectious enthusiasm that enthrals and inspires hobbyists,
encouraging them to dabble with his modestly proportioned but thoroughly
developed applications. I am delighted to introduce this series of books, an
ensemble of simple electronic ideas utilising no more than six
components. I am sure they will entertain, fascinate and captivate
electronics constructors everywhere.
Alan R. Winstanley,
On-Line Editor of Everyday Practical Electronics.
BOOK 1 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: a sensitive
and stable BFO Metal Detector, a Thousand-Year Flasher, an Electric Shock
Machine! a Haffler Effect Unit (i.e. a third channel for stereo systems),
and a useful Power Switch -- with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 2 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: SONAR (sound
navigation ranging), a Super-Sensitive Microphone, a 3V to 6V Generator, a
Battery LED (this describes how to use LEDs), and a LED Torch (which may be
powered off the generator) -- with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 3 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: a
fascinating Thunderstorm Monitor, a Double Doorbell, a Christmas novelty (to
make one's cheeks gloowowow from within), Pot-Plant Power (to power
micropower circuits off pot plants), and a versatile Sensitive Switch --
with many "further suggestions".
BOOK 4 includes five designs using just 6 components, or less: an effective
Wart Zapper (Remover), a Cat (or Dog) Scarer, a Magnetic Key, a Code Lock,
and a classic Optical Illusion (proving the subjective nature of
experience) -- with many "further suggestions".