OK first have a laugh. My PC at work has a touch screen, not that I ever use it. Normally it shuts down after do many minutes, but today there was a fly there and when it landed on the screen it turned it back on.
But my question is about Acrobat reader. The newer versions, some asshole decided to make the hand cursor change to the select mode after a few seconds. In every other $%&*& of that SOB I have been able to find the setting to turn that "feature" off. This thing is Win 10 and running the newest version of Acrobat Reader. Unfortunately it is a gun free zone, the proprietor o a business has the right to make it illegal to bring guns in, otherwise I would consider shooting the damn thing.
Joking of course, I would not willfully destroy someone else's property.
They took it away a while back, supposedly to upgrade it. It had some strange ass PDF viewer on it that just hung when I tried to view a file so I had to get the reader. Acrobat Reader DC I think.
I have been having trouble finding old versions of programs these days. For example I would like Firefox 23. Oh, and let's not even go into what I can't find in the new version of that, which is what I run at work.
Another thing is that with all the wires strung all over the bench I would rather have a tower than a laptop. Last job, something I carried off the bench caught a wire and pulled the laptop off the bench and broke the screen. They didn't really care, it was an old XP machine and wasn't all that fancy. Of course by the time I got to it it had viruses and the homepage had been hijacked. In fact on work PCs I just put Google into the bookmarks now, screw a homepage.
All I need is to be able to find, download and view PDFs almost exclusively.. In fact most of the time from now on if I have to post a question here or on another forum I intend to do that on their time. Bout time I make an email address for that in fact.
All in all though, I do have to admit that it seems like Win 10 is better than Win 8. I have found it easier to find certain things. For example I can't believe how slow most mouses are. (is it mice in this particular instance of use ?) There is limited space in my world so I want the mouse as fast as possible. The setting was moved around but I found it. On their time.
Why the hell couldn't they have just converted Win98SE to NTFS, cleared the 130GB limit, put in UAC and left the rest of it alone ? Just charge for the updates. There are a bunch of things I have not yet tried in Win 10, and I almost don't want to because I know I am going to find something that you just can't do anymore. But you can probably keep up with your twits. Can you direct text to a phone from a PC ? If not, they are really fucking this shit up. I know you can email, but a real time text ?
Anyway, I am going to have a few beers and get ready for the flames, commentary and whatnot. Hopefully someone knows how to get rid of that totally annoying "feature" in Acrobat Reader. Before I just take the thing home and shoot it in the backyard.
But my question is about Acrobat reader. The newer versions, some asshole decided to make the hand cursor change to the select mode after a few seconds. In every other $%&*& of that SOB I have been able to find the setting to turn that "feature" off. This thing is Win 10 and running the newest version of Acrobat Reader. Unfortunately it is a gun free zone, the proprietor o a business has the right to make it illegal to bring guns in, otherwise I would consider shooting the damn thing.
Joking of course, I would not willfully destroy someone else's property.
They took it away a while back, supposedly to upgrade it. It had some strange ass PDF viewer on it that just hung when I tried to view a file so I had to get the reader. Acrobat Reader DC I think.
I have been having trouble finding old versions of programs these days. For example I would like Firefox 23. Oh, and let's not even go into what I can't find in the new version of that, which is what I run at work.
Another thing is that with all the wires strung all over the bench I would rather have a tower than a laptop. Last job, something I carried off the bench caught a wire and pulled the laptop off the bench and broke the screen. They didn't really care, it was an old XP machine and wasn't all that fancy. Of course by the time I got to it it had viruses and the homepage had been hijacked. In fact on work PCs I just put Google into the bookmarks now, screw a homepage.
All I need is to be able to find, download and view PDFs almost exclusively.. In fact most of the time from now on if I have to post a question here or on another forum I intend to do that on their time. Bout time I make an email address for that in fact.
All in all though, I do have to admit that it seems like Win 10 is better than Win 8. I have found it easier to find certain things. For example I can't believe how slow most mouses are. (is it mice in this particular instance of use ?) There is limited space in my world so I want the mouse as fast as possible. The setting was moved around but I found it. On their time.
Why the hell couldn't they have just converted Win98SE to NTFS, cleared the 130GB limit, put in UAC and left the rest of it alone ? Just charge for the updates. There are a bunch of things I have not yet tried in Win 10, and I almost don't want to because I know I am going to find something that you just can't do anymore. But you can probably keep up with your twits. Can you direct text to a phone from a PC ? If not, they are really fucking this shit up. I know you can email, but a real time text ?
Anyway, I am going to have a few beers and get ready for the flames, commentary and whatnot. Hopefully someone knows how to get rid of that totally annoying "feature" in Acrobat Reader. Before I just take the thing home and shoot it in the backyard.