Paul Guy
I have been puzzled by the fact that two implementations have such
drastic differences in synthesized circuits. I know that I have failed
to cover all the if-then-else possibilities (that's required to
generate SOME of the flipflops). I am really at my wit's end trying to
get my head around the "why" and the "howto get around it" of the
following situation:
first program, it is compiled under Lattice & Synplify, and it
works just fine, it's a 4 bit counter, described as a finite state
machine, using an asynch reset and synchronous preset (the chips we're
using do not allow asynch preset). This one synthesizes nicely to 4
The 2nd program is the same as the first, except the lines with
##### in them are removed.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity counter is
barreset :IN STD_LOGIC;
barpreset :IN STD_LOGIC;
q :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
attribute LOC : string;
ATTRIBUTE LOC of clock: signal is "P2";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of barreset: signal is "P3";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of barpreset: signal is "P4";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of q: signal is "P27 P26 P25 P24";
--this one works
architecture howitcounts of counter is
TYPE statemachine IS (s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9);
PROCESS (clock,barreset)
VARIABLE state: statemachine;
if (barreset = '0') then
state := s0;
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if (barpreset = '0') then --########
state := s8; --########
end if; --########
CASE state IS
WHEN s0 => state := s1;
WHEN s1 => state := s2;
WHEN s2 => state := s3;
WHEN s3 => state := s4;
WHEN s4 => state := s5;
WHEN s5 => state := s6;
WHEN s6 => state := s7;
WHEN s7 => state := s8;
WHEN s8 => state := s9;
WHEN s9 => state := s0;
WHEN OTHERS => state := s0;
end if;
CASE state is
WHEN s0 => q <= "0000";
WHEN s1 => q <= "0001";
WHEN s2 => q <= "0010";
WHEN s3 => q <= "0011";
WHEN s4 => q <= "0100";
WHEN s5 => q <= "0101";
WHEN s6 => q <= "0110";
WHEN s7 => q <= "0111";
WHEN s8 => q <= "1000";
WHEN s9 => q <= "1001";
WHEN OTHERS => q <= "0000";
end howitcounts;
this next program DOES NOT work nicely. It requires about 13 flipflops
and thus fails miserably when using a GAL22V10C (10 flipflops). The
ONLY diference between the two, is 3 lines removed that control the
synchronous preset (I have shown #####'s on the 1st program where that
code is).
Hopefully your newsreader will preserve tabs.... otherwise this code
will be a mess to read.
The implementation is rather clunky for a 4 bit counter, because I
will use this program as a template for much more complicated state
I suspect that the compiler thinks that the circuit will remember
the states in one case, and won't remember then in the other case,
hence it needs a flipflop for every state. The "prefit equations"
suggest that there is a shift register synthesized for the "bad
circuit". I am not very comfortable with FSM details, but it would
appear that it might be trying to create a "one-hot" implementation.
Am I totally misled? Why should there be such a difference in
implementation? Would I be better off to break this program up into
more processes? Did I screw up in the if-else blocks?
Thanks for any help......
drastic differences in synthesized circuits. I know that I have failed
to cover all the if-then-else possibilities (that's required to
generate SOME of the flipflops). I am really at my wit's end trying to
get my head around the "why" and the "howto get around it" of the
following situation:
first program, it is compiled under Lattice & Synplify, and it
works just fine, it's a 4 bit counter, described as a finite state
machine, using an asynch reset and synchronous preset (the chips we're
using do not allow asynch preset). This one synthesizes nicely to 4
The 2nd program is the same as the first, except the lines with
##### in them are removed.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity counter is
barreset :IN STD_LOGIC;
barpreset :IN STD_LOGIC;
q :OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
attribute LOC : string;
ATTRIBUTE LOC of clock: signal is "P2";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of barreset: signal is "P3";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of barpreset: signal is "P4";
ATTRIBUTE LOC of q: signal is "P27 P26 P25 P24";
--this one works
architecture howitcounts of counter is
TYPE statemachine IS (s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9);
PROCESS (clock,barreset)
VARIABLE state: statemachine;
if (barreset = '0') then
state := s0;
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if (barpreset = '0') then --########
state := s8; --########
end if; --########
CASE state IS
WHEN s0 => state := s1;
WHEN s1 => state := s2;
WHEN s2 => state := s3;
WHEN s3 => state := s4;
WHEN s4 => state := s5;
WHEN s5 => state := s6;
WHEN s6 => state := s7;
WHEN s7 => state := s8;
WHEN s8 => state := s9;
WHEN s9 => state := s0;
WHEN OTHERS => state := s0;
end if;
CASE state is
WHEN s0 => q <= "0000";
WHEN s1 => q <= "0001";
WHEN s2 => q <= "0010";
WHEN s3 => q <= "0011";
WHEN s4 => q <= "0100";
WHEN s5 => q <= "0101";
WHEN s6 => q <= "0110";
WHEN s7 => q <= "0111";
WHEN s8 => q <= "1000";
WHEN s9 => q <= "1001";
WHEN OTHERS => q <= "0000";
end howitcounts;
this next program DOES NOT work nicely. It requires about 13 flipflops
and thus fails miserably when using a GAL22V10C (10 flipflops). The
ONLY diference between the two, is 3 lines removed that control the
synchronous preset (I have shown #####'s on the 1st program where that
code is).
Hopefully your newsreader will preserve tabs.... otherwise this code
will be a mess to read.
The implementation is rather clunky for a 4 bit counter, because I
will use this program as a template for much more complicated state
I suspect that the compiler thinks that the circuit will remember
the states in one case, and won't remember then in the other case,
hence it needs a flipflop for every state. The "prefit equations"
suggest that there is a shift register synthesized for the "bad
circuit". I am not very comfortable with FSM details, but it would
appear that it might be trying to create a "one-hot" implementation.
Am I totally misled? Why should there be such a difference in
implementation? Would I be better off to break this program up into
more processes? Did I screw up in the if-else blocks?
Thanks for any help......