Brad Smallridge
Just got my Xilinx Spartan 3 board operational. One part of the board sends
digital data to a video DAC at 48 MHz. I did a priliminary program to send
a test pattern to this DAC but the results change with a modification to the
VGACLK'event and VGACLK='1' line. If I change the '1' to a '0' I get better
results. I suppose I should now go Spartan 3 specific and use the Xilinx
DCMs? Can someone point me to beginners doc on clock distribution and DCMs?
I am printing the 68 page XAPP462 as I write this post but sheesh what a
digital data to a video DAC at 48 MHz. I did a priliminary program to send
a test pattern to this DAC but the results change with a modification to the
VGACLK'event and VGACLK='1' line. If I change the '1' to a '0' I get better
results. I suppose I should now go Spartan 3 specific and use the Xilinx
DCMs? Can someone point me to beginners doc on clock distribution and DCMs?
I am printing the 68 page XAPP462 as I write this post but sheesh what a