Newbie Question: Chasiss and Cabinet



I have a hobby project that I want to put in a 'regular'
stereo component cabinet. Is there a list or FAQ
with chasiss of cabinet vendors?


"oscaroscaroscar" <> wrote in message
I have a hobby project that I want to put in a 'regular'
stereo component cabinet. Is there a list or FAQ
with chasiss of cabinet vendors?


No, but you either search for it on the web (I haven't tried this) or check
the catalog distributors -- Newark, Digi-Key and Mouser are the biggies.

You'll find that a nice looking cabinet costs more than the parts inside --
I often scrounge cabinets from broken electronics. This will save you big
$$ if you want something that big.
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:01:10 GMT, "oscaroscaroscar" <>

I have a hobby project that I want to put in a 'regular'
stereo component cabinet. Is there a list or FAQ
with chasiss of cabinet vendors?


I usually use Hammond ( (unless I get our
machine shop to make something from scratch).

Have a look around Digikey and other on-line electronics distributors.

Peter Bennett VE7CEI
email: peterbb (at)
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"Tim Wescott" ( writes:
"oscaroscaroscar" <> wrote in message
I have a hobby project that I want to put in a 'regular'
stereo component cabinet. Is there a list or FAQ
with chasiss of cabinet vendors?



No, but you either search for it on the web (I haven't tried this) or check
the catalog distributors -- Newark, Digi-Key and Mouser are the biggies.

You'll find that a nice looking cabinet costs more than the parts inside --
I often scrounge cabinets from broken electronics. This will save you big
$$ if you want something that big.

And there often tends to be a bigger variety in commercial equipment, because
they can afford to make something specific to their needs, while buying
project boxes, you have to stick with a few common sizes.

I've taken boxes from commercial junk, and reused it by mounting a piece
of circuit board over the existing front panel (and sometimes the back panel)
to allow for what I do want, and cover up the existing holes. I use
circuit board because it's easy to work with, but someone else could
use metal, and even outright replace the whole front panel rather than
adding panel blank over the existing panel.

Your suggestion is especially good when someone wants to mount something
in a stack with existing equipment. One can look around until they
find some scrap of electronics that has basically the same size
as the rest of the stack, so it actually blends in fairly well.

And sometimes when you're lucky, the junk equipment has a transformer
in it that supplies the very voltage you need, so the junk supplies
the transformer as well as the case.

For smaller cases, and likely for less "scenic" needs, a good source
of medium boxes is the cases for switching supplies in computers. Many
a time, I've found computer cases lying on the sidewalk waiting for
the garbage, and all that remains is the power supply. It's easy
to strip them out. For that matter, I've found such supplies just
lying on the sidwalk by themselves. Strip out the power supply board,
maybe cover some holes with circuit board or metal sheet, and you
ve got really cheap metal boxes.

For that matter, I've brought home some "pizza box" type computer
cases that I keep for some larger project. They too would blend
in in a stack, but they aren't as big as the usual computer case
(wich should be good for really big projects).


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