Hello everybody!
My name is Myria and I really don't belong into this group at all, but
I do have a question and searching the web doesn't really get me
anywhere, because I guess I lack some basic understanding of
electronics. I was hoping you could help me.
Simple question: What are resistors actually made of? I mean the inside
material. I know it must be some kind of substance that leads
electricity more slowly (hope I phrase that right), but I am interested
in the actual inside materials.
Reason: My husbands grandfather was a radio/TV repair guy from the 50s
to the late 80s and we inherited a huge collection of, well, different
kinds of resistors (and a couple of capacitators). We couldn't sell
them and I was wondering if I could use them in my craft projects. As I
am working with children, I need to know if there is anything inside
those resistors that is inherently dangerous/poisonous like mercury or
maybe lead. And could it be dangerous by contact alone, or if they
swallowed a resistor? (They are not that age group, but the weirdest
things do happen. In todays suing happy society, you cannot be careful
Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
My name is Myria and I really don't belong into this group at all, but
I do have a question and searching the web doesn't really get me
anywhere, because I guess I lack some basic understanding of
electronics. I was hoping you could help me.
Simple question: What are resistors actually made of? I mean the inside
material. I know it must be some kind of substance that leads
electricity more slowly (hope I phrase that right), but I am interested
in the actual inside materials.
Reason: My husbands grandfather was a radio/TV repair guy from the 50s
to the late 80s and we inherited a huge collection of, well, different
kinds of resistors (and a couple of capacitators). We couldn't sell
them and I was wondering if I could use them in my craft projects. As I
am working with children, I need to know if there is anything inside
those resistors that is inherently dangerous/poisonous like mercury or
maybe lead. And could it be dangerous by contact alone, or if they
swallowed a resistor? (They are not that age group, but the weirdest
things do happen. In todays suing happy society, you cannot be careful
Any info is appreciated. Thanks.