Justas P
Hello there,
I am new to verilog and just starting with some examples. Now I am
trying to interface microcontroller to cpld chip. uC runs faster than
cpld chip and I am using 8 bits wide parallel data connection. CPLD
chip reads data on cpld inputs on rising clock edge. The problem for
me is how to know that CPLD got the data I made available on uC
outputs - just add an delay that is as long as one clock cycle of cpld
or are there other ways of ensuring that?
I am new to verilog and just starting with some examples. Now I am
trying to interface microcontroller to cpld chip. uC runs faster than
cpld chip and I am using 8 bits wide parallel data connection. CPLD
chip reads data on cpld inputs on rising clock edge. The problem for
me is how to know that CPLD got the data I made available on uC
outputs - just add an delay that is as long as one clock cycle of cpld
or are there other ways of ensuring that?