Newbie Easytrax Questions


Paul Slocum

I'm trying to get my first board made this week. Couple of questions:

1) Which files do I submit to the board shop? I'm just doing a bare
bones 2-layer board (no solder mask or silk screen). My understanding
is that I submit a gerber file for each layer, a match file for the
aperatures, and a drill file. Is this correct?

2) On one of my boards I want to power a small neon lamp from 120V AC
(1.5 mA). Roughly how big do the tracks/vias need to be for this?

thanks in advance for any help
"Paul Slocum" <> wrote in message
I'm trying to get my first board made this week. Couple of questions:

1) Which files do I submit to the board shop? I'm just doing a bare
bones 2-layer board (no solder mask or silk screen). My understanding
is that I submit a gerber file for each layer, a match file for the
aperatures, and a drill file. Is this correct?
That's right. The software I use (Pulsonix) generates RS-274-X Gerber files
which include the aperture data. Most modern packages do the same.

2) On one of my boards I want to power a small neon lamp from 120V AC
(1.5 mA). Roughly how big do the tracks/vias need to be for this?
1.5 mA is a negligible amount of current, 8 mils or more should be fine. You
need adequate separation of the tracks, which is more important.

Awesome, thanks for the info.

....and to restore my usenet helpfulness karma, since I've mostly been
asking questions lately instead of answering:

I was having trouble with Easyplot running out of memory while loading a
PCB, and Windows XP didn't seem to be able to emulate EMS memory
properly. I found that Easyplot runs great under the Dosbox emulator
with EMS, and I was able to load my big PCB with no problem.


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