Javier M Mora (jamarier)
Hash: SHA1
Hi, i'm absolute newbie and i'm trying freehdl as simulator of VHDL (it was
easiest to install in my gentoo box).
Below is halfadder.vhdl there are a line with 3 cases. In every try i
only uncomment one of them:
In 1st case: I get: "Sorry, only default component binding is currently
supported. No default binding for component halfadder found!" (it's
normal, no configure binding).
In 2nd case: I get: "halfadder is not a entity" Why? halfadder it's an
entity. It's a little above
In 3rd case: I reference halfadder inside its package: "work". but in
this time freehdl-v2cc fails an assertion (break with error message) :-(
I can run than file if I use 1st case and use
- --relaxed-component-visibility option in gvhdl. But i think that is
How can I set binding between architecture and components?
If the problem is freehdl is too unstable, my second choice is use
Alliance but it appears difficult to use.
What do you think about?
Thanks, javier m mora
- ----------8<---------- halfadder.vhdl
entity halfadder is
port (x,y: in bit;
s,c: out bit);
end entity halfadder;
architecture RTL of halfadder is
s <= x xor y after 10ns;
c <= x and y after 20ns;
end architecture RTL;
entity test_halfadder is
end entity test_halfadder;
architecture test_halfadder of test_halfadder is
signal a,b: bit;
signal s,c: bit;
component halfadder
port (x,y:in bit; s,cut bit);
end component;
- -- --1st case
- -- for all: halfadder use entity halfadder(RTL); --2nd case
- -- for all: halfadder use entity work.halfadder(RTL); --3rd case
U1: halfadder port map (a,b,s,c);
a <= '1' after 50ns, '0' after 100ns;
b <= '1' after 0ns, '0' after 75ns;
end architecture test_halfadder;
- ----------8<---------- end halfadder.vhdl
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA1
Hi, i'm absolute newbie and i'm trying freehdl as simulator of VHDL (it was
easiest to install in my gentoo box).
Below is halfadder.vhdl there are a line with 3 cases. In every try i
only uncomment one of them:
In 1st case: I get: "Sorry, only default component binding is currently
supported. No default binding for component halfadder found!" (it's
normal, no configure binding).
In 2nd case: I get: "halfadder is not a entity" Why? halfadder it's an
entity. It's a little above
In 3rd case: I reference halfadder inside its package: "work". but in
this time freehdl-v2cc fails an assertion (break with error message) :-(
I can run than file if I use 1st case and use
- --relaxed-component-visibility option in gvhdl. But i think that is
How can I set binding between architecture and components?
If the problem is freehdl is too unstable, my second choice is use
Alliance but it appears difficult to use.
What do you think about?
Thanks, javier m mora
- ----------8<---------- halfadder.vhdl
entity halfadder is
port (x,y: in bit;
s,c: out bit);
end entity halfadder;
architecture RTL of halfadder is
s <= x xor y after 10ns;
c <= x and y after 20ns;
end architecture RTL;
entity test_halfadder is
end entity test_halfadder;
architecture test_halfadder of test_halfadder is
signal a,b: bit;
signal s,c: bit;
component halfadder
port (x,y:in bit; s,cut bit);
end component;
- -- --1st case
- -- for all: halfadder use entity halfadder(RTL); --2nd case
- -- for all: halfadder use entity work.halfadder(RTL); --3rd case
U1: halfadder port map (a,b,s,c);
a <= '1' after 50ns, '0' after 100ns;
b <= '1' after 0ns, '0' after 75ns;
end architecture test_halfadder;
- ----------8<---------- end halfadder.vhdl
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)