Hi there,
I am a complete newbie to electronics but am a computer geek (the
software side). I am trying to get my feet wet with an electronics
The problem:
There is a electrical water-pump in my house that fills a water-tank
that's up on the third floor. You need to climb a million stairs to
check the level in that tank so that the water doesn't spill.
I intend to do it all by myself using basic components and no ready
made kits.
The solution?
I am thinking on the lines of a float-ball attached with a lever that
closes a circuit when a certail level is reached. Now i know that the
tank is full but how do i turn off the motor? Do i use a circuit
breaker? if so how do i trip it?
Ok, all of the above is just theory. I've never touched electronics
before... any advice much appreciated.
So, in summary i am looking for:
1. How to turn off the motor when tank is full?
2. Any info about how to do it?
3. What equipment would i need to do it?
ps. If this is the wrong group to be posting this to, could you guide
me to the right one...
I am a complete newbie to electronics but am a computer geek (the
software side). I am trying to get my feet wet with an electronics
The problem:
There is a electrical water-pump in my house that fills a water-tank
that's up on the third floor. You need to climb a million stairs to
check the level in that tank so that the water doesn't spill.
I intend to do it all by myself using basic components and no ready
made kits.
The solution?
I am thinking on the lines of a float-ball attached with a lever that
closes a circuit when a certail level is reached. Now i know that the
tank is full but how do i turn off the motor? Do i use a circuit
breaker? if so how do i trip it?
Ok, all of the above is just theory. I've never touched electronics
before... any advice much appreciated.
So, in summary i am looking for:
1. How to turn off the motor when tank is full?
2. Any info about how to do it?
3. What equipment would i need to do it?
ps. If this is the wrong group to be posting this to, could you guide
me to the right one...