New TV adjustments


j.b. miller

Has anyone here figured out HOW to interface a new TV to a Pc for
adjustment? Looks like I2C. ANy software,info,help? I need to make the
picture smaller and there are NO pots on the pcboard.

"j.b. miller" <> wrote in message
Has anyone here figured out HOW to interface a new TV to a Pc for
adjustment? Looks like I2C. ANy software,info,help? I need to make the
picture smaller and there are NO pots on the pcboard.


Look at the video driver software, some have adjustments for V and H. Also,
you might have to set the card to 640 x 480, 60 Hz. You would probably be
better of asking some PC group.

Hm,guess I didn't make myself of those dayze!
I need to take a $99 WalMart 15" TV that has the A/V jacks up front and plug
in my composite video source. The resulting picture is too big! i need to
adjust the vertical and horizontal sizes. Alas, there are NO pots to diddle
inside the box but I do see what looks like an I2C set of pads(sda,sdc) so I
figure 'they' must have some kind of 'PC' to setup the 'configuration' of
the TV while on the assembly line.
I need to do this for about 100 units,but first I need to do it for one !

Any help,pointers,are apprciated.
I'm unable to change the video coming from the proprietory device,which is
20+ years old, and I've tried pulling the yoke back but the neck isn't long
I'd still like to use the I2C to alter the config of these TVs...

Da*n new technology, whatever happened to pots ?!%^&*

On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 08:01:51 -0500, j.b. miller wrote:

Hm,guess I didn't make myself of those dayze!
I need to take a $99 WalMart 15" TV that has the A/V jacks up front and plug
in my composite video source. The resulting picture is too big! i need to
adjust the vertical and horizontal sizes. Alas, there are NO pots to diddle
inside the box but I do see what looks like an I2C set of pads(sda,sdc) so I
figure 'they' must have some kind of 'PC' to setup the 'configuration' of
the TV while on the assembly line.
I need to do this for about 100 units,but first I need to do it for one !

Any help,pointers,are apprciated.
Unfortunately, this is the way consumer TVs work - they've been
overscanning broadcast TV ever since there have been round corners
on CRTs.

The quickest and simplest would be to simply shrink your picture
in software - i.e., scale down the part with information, so there's
an information-free border around it. Depending on how much control
you have over your video, this could be simple or a real challenge,
but probably not as challenging as trying to modify the deflection
circuits of just about any TV.

Good Luck!

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