Im a programmer as a smaller microwave tech company and we were
getting into the electronic warfare area. I currently use mainly
LabView for programming the many things around the lab, but also use
some C and perl. One of the big questions I have regaurding FPGAs is
how many gate would I require? can somsone give a basic description of
how many gates can do what etc, because I am completly lost when it
comes to this.
Thats it for now, but im sure there will be plenty more coming once I
start learning vhdl.
getting into the electronic warfare area. I currently use mainly
LabView for programming the many things around the lab, but also use
some C and perl. One of the big questions I have regaurding FPGAs is
how many gate would I require? can somsone give a basic description of
how many gates can do what etc, because I am completly lost when it
comes to this.
Thats it for now, but im sure there will be plenty more coming once I
start learning vhdl.