New Technology /Process Setup in Cadence?



Dear all,

I have used TSMC 0.35um process for a while. Now I need to setup the
Cadence environment of my department with AMI 0.5 um process. The
technology and process information (models, design rules, etc) will be
obtained from MOSIS. I'm a little bit worried, since I have never set
up a new process by myself.

Could someone tell me how to finish this task (preferably a
step-by-step instruction)? Do I need to generate any new file(s)? Also,
should I choose AMI native design rules or the MOSIS SCMOS rules? What
are their advantages and disadvantages?
Thank you very much.


If you obtain AMI 0.5um kit from MOSIS site, you should find there .pdf
file which will contain all the instructions you need (look for that
file). As for design rules usually MOSIS supply relaxed rules, so it up
to you which rules to choose.

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Dmitriy Shurin wrote:
If you obtain AMI 0.5um kit from the MOSIS site,
their .pdf file will contain all the instructions you need.
As for design rules usually MOSIS supply relaxed rules,
so it up to you which rules to choose.
Compared to design tasks, it is relatively simple to switch
to a new processes design kit in DFII.

a) Place your new design kit in a known location
(e.g., ./project/share/lib/AMI_050 or whatever)
b) Go to your normal project software-startup location
(e.g., ./project/design/block_A or whatever)
c) Copy a cds.lib pointing to the new technology file & pcells
(e.g., INCLUDE AMI_050 ../../share/lib/AMI_050 or whatever)
d) Modify your simulation parameters to point to the models
(e.g., ../../share/lib/AMI_050/models/spectre or whatever)
e) Modify your verification parameters to point to the rule decks
(e.g., ../../share/lib/AMI_050/assura or whatever)
f) Modify any other desired parameter to point to this new process kit
(e.g., ../../share/lib/AMI_050/stream/ or whatever)

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