Amanda Riphnykhazova
About 25 years ago I bought a baseballs hat with a solar panel on the top which drove a fan motor. It looked terrible and never moved enough air onto the user's forehead to actually do anything. After a while I got the impression that the panel was no longer giving out ANY power.
I wonder if it might be possible to replace the 25 year old solar panel with a more modern one which actually works?
Possibly a flexible panel which goes round the head a bit? What values should I try looking for? Or am I kidding myself that I might get this thing to work? Is that why no one has tried putting these things back into production?
I wonder if it might be possible to replace the 25 year old solar panel with a more modern one which actually works?
Possibly a flexible panel which goes round the head a bit? What values should I try looking for? Or am I kidding myself that I might get this thing to work? Is that why no one has tried putting these things back into production?