Stephan Rose
Well seeing a lot of complaints here on this NG about various design
products out there, and also trial testing many commercial packages
ourselves and cursing within minutes....(still using 12yr old tango
from dos, how sad is that?)
We've decided to simply..make our own. Me being the guy who's writing
the software.
Now....for anyone...who wants a chance to influence something like
this from the start..here's your chance...other than of course my
boss' wishes and requests of features he'd like to see...
What would you all like to see? Any input is appreciated and will be
considered if possible.
Here's things I've got planned so far, though these are mostly just
software features....not any electronic/technical features..those I'll
start defining as I get to stages where I could implement them.
1. Complete integrated IDE. That's right...no 10 different
applications from DIFFERENT companies that work together on mondays
and hate each other on fridays. So schematic design, pcb design,
library mangement, etc. can all be done seamlessly from within the
same application.
2. Plugin capability, ability for anyone to write their own plugins if
they wish for exporters/importers, your own router, even define your
own document types. Basically the entire API will be available via
this mechanism.
3. All drawing functions are hardware accelerated, DirectX9+. So
expect fast, smooth editing with realtime results instead of the
inverted line stuff, etc.
4. Support for all various types of units (current mm, cm, inch, mil.
Need more? which ones?) all at 96-bit fixed floating point precision
(fixed FP means no precision losses or precision problems so common
with standard FP).
Currently I'm working on the core engine, core drawing functions, and
the schematic component editor to start with and move up from there.
Expecting to have a working alpha or even beta by summer of this year.
So as I'm currently working on the component editor (schematic symbols
only), any feature that everyone particularly would like but nobody
Here's the list of in what order I plan on implementing what
1. Core engine and functions - Current stage
2. Schematic Component Editor - Current stage
3. Schematic Design
4. Pcb Component Editor
5. Pcb Design
Then..once all that works....everything and everyone is happy...
Auto router and simulation. Whever makes sense first at that time.
So there it is...now how about some input?
products out there, and also trial testing many commercial packages
ourselves and cursing within minutes....(still using 12yr old tango
from dos, how sad is that?)
We've decided to simply..make our own. Me being the guy who's writing
the software.
Now....for anyone...who wants a chance to influence something like
this from the start..here's your chance...other than of course my
boss' wishes and requests of features he'd like to see...
What would you all like to see? Any input is appreciated and will be
considered if possible.
Here's things I've got planned so far, though these are mostly just
software features....not any electronic/technical features..those I'll
start defining as I get to stages where I could implement them.
1. Complete integrated IDE. That's right...no 10 different
applications from DIFFERENT companies that work together on mondays
and hate each other on fridays. So schematic design, pcb design,
library mangement, etc. can all be done seamlessly from within the
same application.
2. Plugin capability, ability for anyone to write their own plugins if
they wish for exporters/importers, your own router, even define your
own document types. Basically the entire API will be available via
this mechanism.
3. All drawing functions are hardware accelerated, DirectX9+. So
expect fast, smooth editing with realtime results instead of the
inverted line stuff, etc.
4. Support for all various types of units (current mm, cm, inch, mil.
Need more? which ones?) all at 96-bit fixed floating point precision
(fixed FP means no precision losses or precision problems so common
with standard FP).
Currently I'm working on the core engine, core drawing functions, and
the schematic component editor to start with and move up from there.
Expecting to have a working alpha or even beta by summer of this year.
So as I'm currently working on the component editor (schematic symbols
only), any feature that everyone particularly would like but nobody
Here's the list of in what order I plan on implementing what
1. Core engine and functions - Current stage
2. Schematic Component Editor - Current stage
3. Schematic Design
4. Pcb Component Editor
5. Pcb Design
Then..once all that works....everything and everyone is happy...
Auto router and simulation. Whever makes sense first at that time.
So there it is...now how about some input?