New Semi Design/Manufacturer Trademark and logo listing
Intended solely as a mark recognition aid, this list includes no mfr
links - simply the trademark listed alphanumerically by mfr name,
letter/numbers appearing in the logo itself and possible letter number
'misinterpretations'. ( If it looks like an 'M', it's listed also
under 'M')
Emphasis is placed on incusivity - if it could be mistaken as a
semiconductor by its shape and size, the logo will be included. If its
a fabless design house, hybrid-only assembly op, been out of business
for two decades, only made thermionic valves, only relabelled trash,
never actually survived to sell parts in commercial quantities, was a
temporary acquisition - its going to be included if a logo survives.
Obviously some logos are no more than the manufacturer's name in text
- these are also included.
At some point in the future, it might be worthwhile to compile other
lists organized for characters, symbols, geometric shapes, geophysical
features, flora and fauna. The longer the lists the more difficult
recognition can become.
Any usefull additions - drop me a line at the contact email on the biz
card image.
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IC/discrete semiconductor design and fab -
TradeMark / logo listing - A-C, D-K, L-M, N-R, S, T-9 .
Intended solely as a mark recognition aid, this list includes no mfr
links - simply the trademark listed alphanumerically by mfr name,
letter/numbers appearing in the logo itself and possible letter number
'misinterpretations'. ( If it looks like an 'M', it's listed also
under 'M')
Emphasis is placed on incusivity - if it could be mistaken as a
semiconductor by its shape and size, the logo will be included. If its
a fabless design house, hybrid-only assembly op, been out of business
for two decades, only made thermionic valves, only relabelled trash,
never actually survived to sell parts in commercial quantities, was a
temporary acquisition - its going to be included if a logo survives.
Obviously some logos are no more than the manufacturer's name in text
- these are also included.
At some point in the future, it might be worthwhile to compile other
lists organized for characters, symbols, geometric shapes, geophysical
features, flora and fauna. The longer the lists the more difficult
recognition can become.
Any usefull additions - drop me a line at the contact email on the biz
card image.
scroll down to:
IC/discrete semiconductor design and fab -
TradeMark / logo listing - A-C, D-K, L-M, N-R, S, T-9 .