NEW! Second Edition Electronics Series




My Electonics Series at has entered
its Second Edition. Interest has continued to be strong. Descriptions of
my three books follow below.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION. All circuits use a mere 6 components, or less. Seldom
does one find such compact circuits -- let alone ones that really DO
anything! Most of these circuits do something in themselves -- they are not
merely building blocks to be used in other circuits. Each book in the
Second Edition contains 15 complete projects, plus 20-40 tested suggestions.
Each book includes circuit theory, constructional tips, components lists --
and sometimes a little electronics history. The books are written with an
"education from experience" in mind. It is my hope that readers will get a
real feel for the ins and outs of electronics, as well as having a great
deal of fun. Print copies cost $9.95, and downloads $2.95. There are FREE
previews of each book.

FOREWORD. Alan R. Winstanley, On-Line Editor of Everyday Practical
Elec­tronics, writes in the Foreword to the Second Edition: "Thomas
Scarborough first caught my eye by contri­buting small circuit nov­el­ties
to the "Ingenuity Unlimited" col­umn of Every­day Practical Electronics
ma­g­a­­zine in the 1990s. Soon his ideas were flowing thick and fast, and
before long Thomas was author­ing superbly pres­ented construc­tion­al
articles of the high­est standards and clarity. Thomas has an infectious
enthu­siasm that enthrals and in­spires hob­by­ists, en­cou­raging them to
dabble with his mod­estly prop­or­­tioned but thoroughly developed
applica­tions. I am delighted to introduce this series, an ensemble of
simple electronic ideas utilis­ing no more than six com­po­n­ents. I am sure
they will enter­tain, fascinate and captivate elec­tronics construct­ors

BOOK 1 (Second Edition) AUDIO CIRCUITS & LED CIRCUITS. 123 pages. $9.95
print. $2.95 download. Includes 15 projects using just 6 components, or
less: Short-range SONAR, Intercom, Stereo 3rd Channel (the Haffler Effect),
Theremin (a legendary musical instrument), Super-Sensitive Mic, Double
Doorbell, Thousand-Year Flasher, Free Energy Flasher (literally runs off
thin air), Battery LED (how to use LEDs), LED Torch/Flashlight, Conjuring
Trick, Optical Illusion (classic proof of the subjective nature of
experience), Diode Pump, Power Switch, and Auto Power-Down. 32 further
ideas in this book: 1w Amplifier, Anti-Pilfer Ala­rm, Baby Alarm, Baby
Listener, Blind Guide, Blown Fuse Indi­cator, Body Detect­or, Call Button,
Candle-Powered LED, Continuity Tester, Dead Man's Handle, Electronic Organ,
EMF Detector, Expanded Conj­uring Trick, Inverted Switch, LED Pilot Light,
LED Torch/Flashlight, Low-Pass Filter, Micropower Pendulum, Miniature LED
Circuit, Morse Signaller, Open Door Alarm, Parabolic Dish Snoop, Radio
Transmitter Alarm, Re­ad­ing Light, Secret Signaller, Sound Energy
Collector, Sou­nd Switch, Sto­re Security Wire, Sur­face Snoop, Trip-Wire,
and Versatile Switch.

$9.95 print. $2.95 download. FREE preview. Includes 15 projects using
just 6 components, or less: BFO Metal Detector, BB Metal Detector (simplest
self-contained design in the world), Thunderstorm Monitor, Crystal Amp
Radio, Day-Night Switch, Helix Thermostat, Super Vibration Switch, Super
Static Snoop, Magnetic Key, Code Lock, Pressure Pad Switch, Bird Scarer
(security for your seedbed!), Latching Circuit, Simple Timer, and Sensitive
Switch. 33 further ideas in this book: Air Pressure Alarm, Auto Bed
Switch, Bath Alarm, Bicycle Alarm, Body Detector, Broken Beam Alarm, Cat
Flap, Day-Night Switch, Delayed Timer, Dummy Bomb, Enhanced Bird Scarer,
Heavy Metal Alarm, Intermittent Beeper, Inverted Switch, Lightning Alarm,
Machine Activator, Magnetic Switch, Meteor Detector, Micropower Generator,
Model Train Detector, Pinpointer, Pipe Finder, Plant Pot Monitor, Portable
Item Alarm, Practical Joke, Push On Push Off Control, Rain Alarm, Soft Toy
Switch, Soil Moisture Monitor, Stand-Alone Timer, Standard Timer,
Through-Wall Signaller, and Very High Temperature Sensor.

$9.95 print. $2.95 download. FREE preview. Includes 15 projects using
just 6 components, or less: Electric Shock Machine, Jumping Spider,
Christmas Cheeks (add an inner glooowowow), Novel Anemometer, Robotic Voice
(convert any voice), Pot-Plant Power (truly free energy), TENS Unit (pain
relief, nerve stimulation), Wart Remover, Cat/Dog Scarer, CCO Metal Detector
(high sensitivity), Hand Generator, Versatile Timer, Leading Edge Trigger,
Trailing Edge Trigger, and Regulated Supply. 24 further ideas in this book:
Shared Shock, Neon Light, Party Trick, Doll's Swing, Blind Aid, Pulser,
Battery State Indicator, Neon Torch/Flashlight, Novel Flasher, Metronome,
Microbe Killer, Virus Killer, Audio Oscillator, Gated Oscillator, Secret
Signaller, LED Torch/Flashlight, Power Reservoir, Gated Timer, Interrupted
Timer, Dead Man's Handle, Gate Alarm, Day-Night Switch, Freezer Alarm,
Broken Beam Alarm.

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