This web-site is intended for scientists, experts, teachers and students
in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, mechanics,
engineering, computer science, cybernetics, computer algebra (Maple,
Mathematica), etc. The web-site represents books, monographies and
software in the above fields created under direction of Prof. V.Z.
Aladjev and published by International Academy of Noosphere (Tallinn,
Estonia) and Vilnius Technical University (Vilnius, Lithuania) during
Moreover, we shall be extremely grateful, if you will find an
opportunity to acquaint with the above information the colleagues with
which you support business relations.
in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, mechanics,
engineering, computer science, cybernetics, computer algebra (Maple,
Mathematica), etc. The web-site represents books, monographies and
software in the above fields created under direction of Prof. V.Z.
Aladjev and published by International Academy of Noosphere (Tallinn,
Estonia) and Vilnius Technical University (Vilnius, Lithuania) during
Moreover, we shall be extremely grateful, if you will find an
opportunity to acquaint with the above information the colleagues with
which you support business relations.