Weng Tianxiang
I open a new topics from previous one to try to stir another round to
introduce a new keyword 'orif'.
A group of signals is defined as mutually exclusive if either no
signal or only one signal in the group is asserted on any cycle.
Keyword 'orif' has the same language grammar definition as 'elsif'
with one exception: conditional signal contained in leading 'if' or
'elsif' segment and conditional signals contained in the subsequent
and contiguous 'orif' segment in an 'if' statement are mutually
exclusive. Where keyword 'elsif' can be used in a VHDL code, there
keyword 'orif' can be used.
Here is an example on how to use keyword 'orif':
If(E0 = '1') then
State_A <= E0_S;
Orif(E1 = '1') then
State_A <= E_S;
Orif(E2 = '1') then
State_A <= E2_S;
elsIf(E3 = '1') then
State_A <= E3_S;
Orif(E4 = '1') then
State_A <= E4_S;
Orif(E5 = '1') then
State_A <= E5_S;
elsIf(E6 = '1') then
It has two mutually exclusive signal groups: signals E0, E1 and E2 are
mutually exclusive. So are signals E3, E4 and E5.
The implementation benefits with FPGA are huge !!!
For example:
OutBus has 64-bit width.
OutBusA : process(RESET, CLK)
if(RESET = '1') then
OutBus <= (others=>'0');
elsif(CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
If(E0 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data0;
orif(E1 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data1;
orif(E2 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data2;
orif(E3 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data3;
orif(E4 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data4;
orif(E5 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data5;
end if;
end if
end process;
1. If the keyword 'orif' is adopted as a VHDL standard, the above
equation would be executed in FPGA chips not by mux, not by case
statement implementation method, but by the most efficient method:
carry chain in Xilinx chips !!!
It would be executed like a sum of products: In assembly language for
OutBus = E0*Data0 + E1*Data1 + ... + E5*Data5;
The new keyword 'orif' is most beneficial to FPGA users !!!
Please check Xilinx application note about how to implement sum of the
products (I failed to find it)
In other words, if keyword 'orif' is introduced into VHDL standard,
Xilinx carry chain structure would become part of VHDL standard in a
natural way. 'orif' will be refered to carry chain in FPGA
structure !!!
Xilinx Peter, what your idea is about the keyword 'orif'?
2. If the keyword 'orif' is adopted as a VHDL standard, it can specify
that during simulation, if a simulator detects two signals being
active in a mutually exclusive group on current cycle, simulator
issues a fatal error and stops without any user's interference !!!
Simple and reliable !!!
3. I expect Xilinx would be the first company to implement the new
keyword 'orif', because its fastest carry chain feature would be best
used in the situations without users' efforts to change its writing
patterns. You may imagine 64-bit data bus would occupy a lot of space
and resources if not the best carry chains are referenced. And the
routine timing will be hugely saved and running frequency will hugely
4. 'orif' name is very appropriate. It means if above conditional
equation is not met, or try this one, or try next, or try the
last, ... it meets the equation above in assembly.
5. Most of programmers never use mutually exclusive property in their
designs and they fear the property would be violated some times. But
here are some hints the violation situation will never happen if it is
a. Data buses are always mutually exclusive !!!
If two data conditions on a data bus may be active at the same cycle,
add minimum additional conditions to make them mutually exclusive.
b. Count loadings are always mutually exclusive !!!
c. All group of register's loadings are always mutually exclusive !!!
d. All FIFO input data loadings are mutually exclusive !!!
6. Keyword 'orif' is useless for IC chip design. Because IC compilers
do their best to optimize them.
7. Mutually exclusiveness is ubiquitout in logic design and I am very
sorry for VHDL without a special keyword to deal with it.
Any comments are welcome.
I open a new topics from previous one to try to stir another round to
introduce a new keyword 'orif'.
Hi Andy,Hi Mike,
"None of the VHDL
synthesizers I've tried completely implement any version of the
standard. Instead, they implement odd hybrids of the different
versions of the standard"
Your comments are interesting and funny !!!
There are a lot of definitions I have difficulty to learn so that I
have never used them and have never tried them.
For example, sharing a signal, block concept and the latest ones that
do formal verification are a few features I have never used and tried.
I prefer using a very small set of the definitions and the strategy
works well.
One thing I miss a lot is 'orif' keyword compared to 'elsif'.
'orif' introduces a group of conditions that are mutually exclusive.
On any output buses or input buses, all data running on the buses are
mutually exclusive.
I couldn't persuade James to change his mind.
What would happen in a simulator if the "orif" conditions were not
actually mutually exclusive? How would you allow the user to define
said behavior? Is zero-hot and option, or is one-hot guaranteed? How
would the user define that?
The existing language allows for mutually exclusive conditions, but
said conditions must be statically verifiable as mutex and complete
(case statements). For dynamic mutex inputs, verification is best
handled in an assertion. If a standardized one_hot() or zero_one_hot()
function could be created (to operate on an unconstrained vector of
booleans, for example), then synthesis could recognize their use in an
assertion, and make the appropriate optimizations automatically,
without affecting the syntax or structure of the language. The
assertion (or other code) could also control what happens when, in
fact, the conditions are not mutually exclusive (the same way the
language handles indices out of bounds, etc.). In other words, in
order to gain that level of control over what happens if mutex is not
true, you'd have to use the same amount of code for either solution,
and the latter solution does not require a change to the language.
Additionally, the use of an assertion is such an application allows
the code more flexibility in describing the resulting behavior,
without resulting to a single if-orif tree. Simply tell the synthesis
tool that, by the way, x and y are one_hot, and it can make
optimizations (like sharing resources) efficiently, independent of the
rest of the structure.
Finally, "orif" would be a very poor choice for such a keyword, even
if the feature were a good idea. "Orif" by name implies that multiple
conditions are potentially true (logical 'OR' function), and all
statements associated with all true conditions would be executed,
which is precisely the opposite of what you described. This behavior
is equivalent to multiple, non-nested if-then statements.
Andy- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
A group of signals is defined as mutually exclusive if either no
signal or only one signal in the group is asserted on any cycle.
Keyword 'orif' has the same language grammar definition as 'elsif'
with one exception: conditional signal contained in leading 'if' or
'elsif' segment and conditional signals contained in the subsequent
and contiguous 'orif' segment in an 'if' statement are mutually
exclusive. Where keyword 'elsif' can be used in a VHDL code, there
keyword 'orif' can be used.
Here is an example on how to use keyword 'orif':
If(E0 = '1') then
State_A <= E0_S;
Orif(E1 = '1') then
State_A <= E_S;
Orif(E2 = '1') then
State_A <= E2_S;
elsIf(E3 = '1') then
State_A <= E3_S;
Orif(E4 = '1') then
State_A <= E4_S;
Orif(E5 = '1') then
State_A <= E5_S;
elsIf(E6 = '1') then
It has two mutually exclusive signal groups: signals E0, E1 and E2 are
mutually exclusive. So are signals E3, E4 and E5.
The implementation benefits with FPGA are huge !!!
For example:
OutBus has 64-bit width.
OutBusA : process(RESET, CLK)
if(RESET = '1') then
OutBus <= (others=>'0');
elsif(CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
If(E0 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data0;
orif(E1 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data1;
orif(E2 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data2;
orif(E3 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data3;
orif(E4 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data4;
orif(E5 = '1') then
OutBus <= Data5;
end if;
end if
end process;
1. If the keyword 'orif' is adopted as a VHDL standard, the above
equation would be executed in FPGA chips not by mux, not by case
statement implementation method, but by the most efficient method:
carry chain in Xilinx chips !!!
It would be executed like a sum of products: In assembly language for
OutBus = E0*Data0 + E1*Data1 + ... + E5*Data5;
The new keyword 'orif' is most beneficial to FPGA users !!!
Please check Xilinx application note about how to implement sum of the
products (I failed to find it)
In other words, if keyword 'orif' is introduced into VHDL standard,
Xilinx carry chain structure would become part of VHDL standard in a
natural way. 'orif' will be refered to carry chain in FPGA
structure !!!
Xilinx Peter, what your idea is about the keyword 'orif'?
2. If the keyword 'orif' is adopted as a VHDL standard, it can specify
that during simulation, if a simulator detects two signals being
active in a mutually exclusive group on current cycle, simulator
issues a fatal error and stops without any user's interference !!!
Simple and reliable !!!
3. I expect Xilinx would be the first company to implement the new
keyword 'orif', because its fastest carry chain feature would be best
used in the situations without users' efforts to change its writing
patterns. You may imagine 64-bit data bus would occupy a lot of space
and resources if not the best carry chains are referenced. And the
routine timing will be hugely saved and running frequency will hugely
4. 'orif' name is very appropriate. It means if above conditional
equation is not met, or try this one, or try next, or try the
last, ... it meets the equation above in assembly.
5. Most of programmers never use mutually exclusive property in their
designs and they fear the property would be violated some times. But
here are some hints the violation situation will never happen if it is
a. Data buses are always mutually exclusive !!!
If two data conditions on a data bus may be active at the same cycle,
add minimum additional conditions to make them mutually exclusive.
b. Count loadings are always mutually exclusive !!!
c. All group of register's loadings are always mutually exclusive !!!
d. All FIFO input data loadings are mutually exclusive !!!
6. Keyword 'orif' is useless for IC chip design. Because IC compilers
do their best to optimize them.
7. Mutually exclusiveness is ubiquitout in logic design and I am very
sorry for VHDL without a special keyword to deal with it.
Any comments are welcome.