new in skill, help with simulate a transistor and get the da



Hello all
i am new in cadence and skill.
I am very confused about skill. I try reading from the manuals but
it's imposible and i cant take any skill courses due to my location.

I need to simulate a transistor (using BSIM or ther model) , get the
data (like voltages and currents) and create a graf (like I-V graf )

i have to create a scimatic for the transistor first or can i create
it using skill?
Does cadence have models like BSIM or do i have to use a technology
for it?

Can any one help me with an exaple code ?

Thank you.
Dear Prodroms,

If your main concern is to make simple simulations and draw graphics,
then you don not need skill at all.
What you need is Spectre. Spectre is, simply talking, the transistor
level simulator from Cadence. You need however the Spectre model
files, in BSIM or other, for your transistors. These models files are
usually provided by your foundry or PDK provider. Universities are
likely to have the Cadence's generic PDK. The Academia world is
completely unknown for me, I prefer to let it for other chaps. What
you mainly need to run a simulation is:
1. Fire up cadence (icfb, icms ...)
2. Create a schematic with your design (transistors) and test bench (V/
I sources, gnd ...)
3. Open the Analog Design Environment from your schematic
4. Set up ADE with your simulator (defaults to spectre in most cases),
Analysis, outputs ... Do not forget to set up your model files.
Spectre will abort otherwise.
5. run your simulation and admire your graphs ;-)

When I was student (still missing those wonderful days :-( ), my uni
did provide us with a Quick Start Book to run a simulation. I'm pretty
much sure your uni do so.

When you need to run more complicated simulations and want more
automation then Skill, and more precisely Ocean, can help you doing
what ever you want to do. Well, almost all ...

So if you need to make a specific thing with skill, then don't
hesitate to back again, you are in the right place I think :)
There was a thread for how to learn skill for beginners quite
recently. Here is the link.

Best Regards,
thank you for your help Riad .
I will strart from here .

Welcome to

