Walter Hrutka
I recently upgraded my hard drive to a Maxtor 20GB and the problem is when I
boot the computer and load the OS(winxp) the message I get is "no hard drive
installed". What could the problem be? I checked the IDE and P/S connections
and they are O.K. Also I tried rebooting the computer and then the windows
setup gave me a message"file setupdd.sys could not be loaded, error code 4"
Does anyone know what thes messages mean? Thanks for any help.
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boot the computer and load the OS(winxp) the message I get is "no hard drive
installed". What could the problem be? I checked the IDE and P/S connections
and they are O.K. Also I tried rebooting the computer and then the windows
setup gave me a message"file setupdd.sys could not be loaded, error code 4"
Does anyone know what thes messages mean? Thanks for any help.
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