New Farnell Catalog


David L. Jones

Just got my new Farnell 09 catalog.
WTF - they have reorganised everything into categories, no more alphabetical
Why on earth do they have to change these things??

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On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:18:50 +1000, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

Just got my new Farnell 09 catalog.
WTF - they have reorganised everything into categories, no more alphabetical
Why on earth do they have to change these things??

They're screwing with you Dave...

and everyone else too...
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in

Just got my new Farnell 09 catalog.
WTF - they have reorganised everything into categories, no
more alphabetical listing!
Why on earth do they have to change these things??

I once went to a marketing feedback session for Farnell catalogs
some 10 years ago, (and got paid for it). I was one of about 2
engineers in the group, the rest were purchasing types. These
purchasing guys wanted separate books like they once tried, also
an emphasis on Farnell part numbers rather than vendors and
other more strange requests which I can't remember, I just
remember thinking that designers were being under-represented
and now wonder the books were shitty.

Maybe a similar influence is now occuring? Have not got the new
books here yet.
GeoffC wrote:
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in

Just got my new Farnell 09 catalog.
WTF - they have reorganised everything into categories, no
more alphabetical listing!
Why on earth do they have to change these things??


I once went to a marketing feedback session for Farnell catalogs
some 10 years ago, (and got paid for it). I was one of about 2
engineers in the group, the rest were purchasing types. These
purchasing guys wanted separate books like they once tried, also
an emphasis on Farnell part numbers rather than vendors and
other more strange requests which I can't remember, I just
remember thinking that designers were being under-represented
and now wonder the books were shitty.

Maybe a similar influence is now occuring? Have not got the new
books here yet.
Purchasing departments tend to use the web these days (and search sites like
findchips and octpart), I don't know any who still use the printed catalog
any more.


Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
GeoffC wrote:
I don't know any
who still use the printed catalog any more.


Our guy still uses the book. Does not understand the web. I
don't have the time or patience to teach him.
Let me guess. He still raises a manual paper purchase order on triplicate
carbon, does the "walk around" to get it signed by 3 managers, and then
enters it it in manually into "the system" which finally prints out a formal
purchase order at the end of the day which is then snail mailed or faxed
away to the suppplier?

Come to think of it, I know some former companies that are probably still
working like this :->

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
I don't know any
who still use the printed catalog any more.

Our guy still uses the book. Does not understand the web. I
don't have the time or patience to teach him.
Let me guess. He still raises a manual paper purchase order
on triplicate carbon, does the "walk around" to get it
signed by 3 managers, and then enters it it in manually
into "the system" which finally prints out a formal
purchase order at the end of the day which is then snail
mailed or faxed away to the suppplier?

Come to think of it, I know some former companies that are
probably still working like this :-

Pretty much.

David L. Jones wrote:

Purchasing departments tend to use the web these days (and search sites like
findchips and octpart), I don't know any who still use the printed catalog
any more.
Although purchasing does use the web in my meagre experience, many
engineers at my work refer to the paper catalogs when they are looking
for something. Some even believe that the web site is somehow
'incomplete' or likely to miss something that the paper catalog has..



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