New CAN and LIN hardware and Software


Chris Stephens

Announcing the availability some new products available from Computer

PCAN Explorer

The big brother of our PCANview package, which is included with every PCAN
interface, the PCAN-Explorer program provides a really powerful Windows
program for investigating what is happening on the CAN bus and also for
controlling and interacting with CAN systems. It can log data to disk for
later review, display and decode messages and their data fields using easily
understood English and fixed or floating numbers (rather than HEX). Up to 4
messages can be logged on a strip chart type display to show visually how
they change with time . There is support for a large number of transmit
messages, an extensive macro language and VB scripts are also included. A
visual panel option includes meters, strip charts, sliders and buttons all
of which can be linked to CAN messages or macros to provide a powerful user

CAN open Magic

For those using CANopen ( a protocol based on CAN that allows units from
different manufacturers to easily interoperate ) we have the PCAN open Magic
package which provides similar facilities to the PCAN-Explorer but using
standard CANopen terminology. Also the built in CANopen Network Controls
provide CANopen specific commands such as identifying all the nodes on the

LIN to CAN Gateway and interface

This module links LIN to CAN or LIN to Serial allowing a PC with a CAN
interface to control a LIN network.
With the low cost of PC-CAN units and the powerful CAN analysis software
available ( PCAN-Explorer) it makes a reasonable priced PC-LIN interface.

Linux and LabView Drivers - are now available for the whole PEAK range of

PC (aka PCMCIA) interfaces

Coming soon: One and Two channel CAN to PC (PCMCIA) interfaces for your
Laptop with optional isolation - these units are very well priced and come
with our free software PCANlite C,VB drivers and PCANview.

All of these items are available from our Web shop

For more details reply to or Visit our web

Visit our web site - keep it book marked
as in the "Information Zone" we have published a number of free services for
Embedded Engineers -

1) Micro-Search - our searchable database of 650 + chip specs
from 30 different 8051 manufacturers

2) Support Tools Directory - shows the development tools
available for over 100 microprocessor families

3) The Embedded Web - 330 + links to useful sites from Chip
Manufacturers to software algorithms

Most of our products are now available for next day delivery from our web


Chris Stephens E-mail:
Computer Solutions Ltd. Phone: +44 (0)1 932 829 460
1a New Haw Road, Fax: +44 (0)1 932 840 603
Addlestone, Surrey,
KT15 2BZ England

For the largest range of embedded microprocessor development tools
now available for next day delivery - from our web shop
On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 14:36:49 +0000 (UTC) in sci.electronics.basics,
"Chris Stephens" <> wrote,
Announcing the availability some new products available from Computer
None of the newsgroups in the sci.electronics.* hierarchy are intended
for buying and selling. An obvious giveaway is that none of them have
"forsale" or "marketplace" in their name.

See Mark Zenier's guide to the hierarchy, at

When sci.electronics was split back in '95, an associated newsgroup
was created for buying and selling:

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