Robert Blass
I've asked this question in the networking/router newsgroups and those
guys give conflicting answers so I wanted to ask you guys since you'd
probably know better.
Almost everyone in the etworking/router newsgroups say the problem I
have has nothing to do with my router being near my speakers.
My router is on top of one of my stereo speakers. It's a 50 watt
speaker and is not being used AS I use the router. The router sits
there. I do get pretty good speeds BUT I notice a great deal of
latency at all hours of the day.
I've tried moving the router farther away from that speaker but due to
short wires I cannot get it any further than 6-10 feet away.
Could placing my router atop my stereo speaker cause any issues like
If so, could someone explain this to me?
thank you.
p.s. if you need some manufacter/model details just ask, I'll try to
find what I can.
guys give conflicting answers so I wanted to ask you guys since you'd
probably know better.
Almost everyone in the etworking/router newsgroups say the problem I
have has nothing to do with my router being near my speakers.
My router is on top of one of my stereo speakers. It's a 50 watt
speaker and is not being used AS I use the router. The router sits
there. I do get pretty good speeds BUT I notice a great deal of
latency at all hours of the day.
I've tried moving the router farther away from that speaker but due to
short wires I cannot get it any further than 6-10 feet away.
Could placing my router atop my stereo speaker cause any issues like
If so, could someone explain this to me?
thank you.
p.s. if you need some manufacter/model details just ask, I'll try to
find what I can.