valentin tihomirov
There is a netlist synthesied, say, for an ASIC technology. The netlist
should be prototyped on FPGA. Therefore, it should be implemented by FPGA
vendor's tools. Implementation should be done automatically for any netlist
given in EDIF format. Functionality of primitives is known. One of the
solutions is to create a VHDL netlist and resynthesize. It would be possible
to bypass VHDL export and synthesis by building (on-the-fly) a macro-library
of the ASIC primitives out of vendor's primitives, specifically out of
Xilinx's UniSim primitives. Please, give the idea, what are the macro-libs
and how can they be created? Thanks.
should be prototyped on FPGA. Therefore, it should be implemented by FPGA
vendor's tools. Implementation should be done automatically for any netlist
given in EDIF format. Functionality of primitives is known. One of the
solutions is to create a VHDL netlist and resynthesize. It would be possible
to bypass VHDL export and synthesis by building (on-the-fly) a macro-library
of the ASIC primitives out of vendor's primitives, specifically out of
Xilinx's UniSim primitives. Please, give the idea, what are the macro-libs
and how can they be created? Thanks.