Net information


I am wanting a way to get net information from an instance. So if
pin "in" is connected to "VTX" when it is instantiated, is there a way
to get that info with skill by instance name?

I was playing around with the below skill and it seems the info is not
attainable, but more likely i I am an just an idiot :)


Any and all help would be appreciated!

Thank you,
Hi Eric,

You are nearly there I think.
Instances have got instance Terminals (insTerms attribute). As Andrew
said in a previous post:
"An instance terminal is (as the name suggests) an object that
represents the
connections to a particular terminal on a particular instance. For
example, if
you have two instances, I1 and I2 of a symbol, nand2, with pins A,B
and Z,
then there will be a total of 6 instTerms. Each instTerm indicates
instance it belongs to, which terminal it belongs to, and which net is
to that instance terminal"

The following lines would help finding out what you are looking for:
procedure( RKconnectivityExample( libName cellName viewName "ttt" )
cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName)
foreach( inst cv~>instances
printf( "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
printf( " -> instTerm: \"%s\" is connected to net: \"%s\".
instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name

Hi Eric,

You are nearly there I think.
Instances have got instance Terminals (insTerms attribute). As Andrew
said in a previous post:
"An instance terminal is (as the name suggests) an object that
represents the connections to a particular terminal on a particular
instance. For example, if you have two instances, I1 and I2 of a
symbol, nand2, with pins A,B and Z, then there will be a total of 6
instTerms. Each instTerm indicates which instance it belongs to, which
terminal it belongs to, and which net is connected to that instance
The following lines would help finding out what you are looking for:
procedure( RKconnectivityExample( libName cellName viewName "ttt" )
cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName)
foreach( inst cv~>instances
printf( "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
printf( " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".\n"
instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name

Riad. wrote:

I am wanting a way to get net information from an instance. So if
pin "in" is connected to "VTX" when it is instantiated, is there a way
to get that info with skill by instance name?

I was playing around with the below skill and it seems the info is not
attainable, but more likely i I am an just an idiot :)


Any and all help would be appreciated!

Thank you,

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On Apr 7, 6:11 pm, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi Eric,

You are nearly there I think.
Instances have got instance Terminals (insTerms attribute). As Andrew
said in a previous post:
"An instance terminal is (as the name suggests) an object that
represents the connections to a particular terminal on a particular
instance. For example, if you have two instances, I1 and I2 of a
symbol, nand2, with pins A,B and Z, then there will be a total of 6
instTerms. Each instTerm indicates which instance it belongs to, which
terminal it belongs to, and which net is connected to that instance
The following lines would help finding out what you are looking for:
procedure( RKconnectivityExample( libName cellName viewName "ttt" )
    cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName)
      foreach( inst cv~>instances
        printf( "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
        foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
          printf( " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".\n"
            instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name

Riad or Other Guru(defined as anyone better at skill than me, so
everyone ;),

procedure( RKconnectivityExample( libName cellName viewName "ttt" )
cv=dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName)
foreach( inst cv~>instances
printf( "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
printf( " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".\n"
instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name
RKconnectivityExample("dcdc_ga841_work" "ga841a_01" "layout")

procedure(RKconnectivityExample(fileName @optional (cv
geGetEditCellView()) "td")
error("Could not open %s for writing" fileName)
) ; unless
foreach( inst cv~>instances
fprintf(prt "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
fprintf( prt " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".\n"
instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name

The first program is Riad's with a change, I think, to the "dpOpen"
line due to our library manager being different. It works for me just
fine. The second program is not working. I am simply trying to
write out the data to a file, I believe I need to get the equivilant
"cv" but I am not sure how. Meaning, the first program gives the
libName cellName and viewName and the second gives cv
geGetEditCellView. I believe that is why it isn't working, BWDIK.

For starters I want to be able to write out the netnames for layout
and schematic to a file and compare(in unixor tkdiff), I will also
want to write some skill for a selected instance netnames out to a

Thank you for your help in advance,
Hi Eric,

The modified program is aborting because of the argument type template
("td") you have specified at the end of the formal argument list of
the function. The skill interpreter is trying to match the data type
of each actual argument against the template at the time the function
is invoked. As you have specified 2 argument types in your template
and invoked RKconnectivityExample with one argument only, then the
error occurs. Yes, the 2nd argument is optional but it does abort
anyway, that's my understanding anyway. I have no solution for this
but removing the data type template from the function definition. I'm
pretty much sure Andrew has got something to say about this ...

BTW, I have upgraded the function with few more edits to handle the
pins and close the port to properly view the data afterwards.

procedure(RKconnectivityExample(fileName @optional (cv
error("Could not open %s for writing" fileName)
) ; unless
foreach( inst cv~>instances
fprintf(prt "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
if( inst~>net
fprintf(prt " -> TermName \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".
inst~>net~>term~>name inst~>net~>name
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
fprintf( prt " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".
instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name

On Apr 8, 9:40 am, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi Eric,

The modified program is aborting because of the argument type template
("td") you have specified at the end of the formal argument list of
the function. The skill interpreter  is trying to match the data type
of each actual argument against the template at the time the function
is invoked. As you have specified 2 argument types in your template
and invoked RKconnectivityExample with one argument only, then the
error occurs. Yes, the 2nd argument is optional but it does abort
anyway, that's my understanding anyway. I have no solution for this
but removing the data type template from the function definition. I'm
pretty much sure Andrew has got something to say about this ...

BTW, I have upgraded the function with few more edits to handle the
pins and close the port to properly view the data afterwards.

procedure(RKconnectivityExample(fileName @optional (cv
      error("Could not open %s for writing" fileName)
    ) ; unless
      foreach( inst cv~>instances
        fprintf(prt "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
        if( inst~>net
          fprintf(prt " -> TermName \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".
           inst~>net~>term~>name inst~>net~>name
          foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
            fprintf( prt " -> instTerm \"%s\" connected to net \"%s\".
              instTerm~>name instTerm~>net~>name


Thank you for your help!

I am now trying to make a form and then right a function to highlight
the net from the form callback. I have gotten pretty far but I am
having an issue with making the list for the "listbox" part of the

I wish to have a format
instname.cellname.childterm - net

For instance
I15.Buffer.out - drivernet

I get
out - drivernet

How do I get this all on one line? I tried it several ways.....

Thank you in advance for your help,


let((EFNetsBox EFTermsOrNet )

foreach( inst cv~>instances
; printf( "Instance %s:\n" inst~>name )
;Capture list of instTerm and net for instance in list
foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
; EFNet_list=append(EFNet_list list(strcat(sprintf(nil
"%s" (inst~>name)) "." (inst~>master~>cellName)) "." (instTerm~>name))
" - " (instTerm~>net~>name))
EFNet_list=append(EFNet_list list(strcat(sprintf(nil
"%s" (inst~>name)) "." (inst~>master~>cellName))))
EFNet_list=append(EFNet_list list(strcat(sprintf(nil
"%s" (instTerm~>name)) " - " (instTerm~>net~>name))))

;============================================;section below defines form
EFNetsBox = hiCreateListBoxField(
?name 'EFListBoxField
?prompt " "
?choices EFNet_list
; ?value nil
?multipleSelect nil
?doubleClickCB "EFProbe()"
?numRows length(EFNet_list)

EFTermsOrNet = hiCreateCyclicField(
?name 'EFUserSelect
?prompt "Terms or Nets"
?value "Nets"
?choices list("Nets"

;;; defines the form

?name 'EFInstanceNetsForm
?formTitle "Instance Nets"
?callback "EFDeviceTextExecution()"
?help ""

) ; hiCreateAppForm



Riad KACED wrote, on 04/08/09 15:40:
Hi Eric,

The modified program is aborting because of the argument type template
("td") you have specified at the end of the formal argument list of
the function. The skill interpreter is trying to match the data type
of each actual argument against the template at the time the function
is invoked. As you have specified 2 argument types in your template
and invoked RKconnectivityExample with one argument only, then the
error occurs. Yes, the 2nd argument is optional but it does abort
anyway, that's my understanding anyway. I have no solution for this
but removing the data type template from the function definition. I'm
pretty much sure Andrew has got something to say about this ...
Riad asked for my comments, so...

The second optional argument was defaulting to geGetEditCellView() which will
return a database id (i.e. match the template "d") if there is a window open and
current which contains a cellView. If not, it will return nil, which will fail
the type template test.

You could just have a type template of "tg" and then have a check inside the
code which does something like:

unless(null(cv) || dbobjectp(cv)
error("Don't be an idiot - pass me the right argument type")

That said, how's the code going to work unless it has a sensible database id for
the cellView? So it's probably reasonable as is, and you'd just call it with:

RKconnectivityExample("filename" dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName viewName))


Hi Andrew,

Thank you very much indeed for your attention and comments :)


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