Jon Elson
I have a pick and place machine that works great for
most parts. One I am having a problem with is aluminum
electrolytics. I think when the centering jaws center
the part, it can rotate on the nozzle. This machine
does not have vision, and the jaws only extend a
mm or two below the nozzle, so they miss the plastic
foot of the part.
Does anyone know of aluminum electrolytics with a squared-off
top so the alignment jaws will work?
I can use Oxi-Caps that are made in the same form factor
as tantalums, but they only go up to 6.3 V or so, so there
are some places I need to stay with the aluminum caps.
I prefer not to use Tantalum for a couple reasons.
I have looked in the usual distributor's catalogs without
finding anything except the round-top.
Thanks in advance for any help.
most parts. One I am having a problem with is aluminum
electrolytics. I think when the centering jaws center
the part, it can rotate on the nozzle. This machine
does not have vision, and the jaws only extend a
mm or two below the nozzle, so they miss the plastic
foot of the part.
Does anyone know of aluminum electrolytics with a squared-off
top so the alignment jaws will work?
I can use Oxi-Caps that are made in the same form factor
as tantalums, but they only go up to 6.3 V or so, so there
are some places I need to stay with the aluminum caps.
I prefer not to use Tantalum for a couple reasons.
I have looked in the usual distributor's catalogs without
finding anything except the round-top.
Thanks in advance for any help.