I found a couple of Tektronix 1501 TDR units in the attic.
They're B-phase prototypes.
One seems to mostly work.
Symptoms suggest that the sampling gate is stuck open.
It's not easy to probe assembled and you can't run it
when it's disassembled. It's put together like a Chinese
jigsaw puzzle.
I have enough ancient TEK sampling parts that I could probably
fix it.
I'm way too lazy to take it apart and try to draw the schematic.
It's not worth a lot of effort, but I hate to see stuff go to the dump
just because it's old and infirm...looks like I'm projecting here.;-)
Google turned up nothing.
Anybody got a pointer to a free download of a 1501 service manual?
Or at least a scan of the schematic of the sampler board?
Thanks, mike
They're B-phase prototypes.
One seems to mostly work.
Symptoms suggest that the sampling gate is stuck open.
It's not easy to probe assembled and you can't run it
when it's disassembled. It's put together like a Chinese
jigsaw puzzle.
I have enough ancient TEK sampling parts that I could probably
fix it.
I'm way too lazy to take it apart and try to draw the schematic.
It's not worth a lot of effort, but I hate to see stuff go to the dump
just because it's old and infirm...looks like I'm projecting here.;-)
Google turned up nothing.
Anybody got a pointer to a free download of a 1501 service manual?
Or at least a scan of the schematic of the sampler board?
Thanks, mike