NEED SCHEMATIC for Mitsubishi CS2720R TV



I am trying to repair my TV and need a schematic for the set. I have
been unable to obtain one through the internet and was hopeful someone
might happen to have this schematic.

I appreciate your assistance and suggestions.
If it is still available, doubtful since Mitz has dropped support for almost
all direct view sets a few years ago, you need to call them to buy it.

You can always check HW Sams to see if they list it and can buy it from


Dennis <> wrote in message
I am trying to repair my TV and need a schematic for the set. I have
been unable to obtain one through the internet and was hopeful someone
might happen to have this schematic.

I appreciate your assistance and suggestions.
"David" <> wrote in message
If it is still available, doubtful since Mitz has dropped support for
all direct view sets a few years ago, you need to call them to buy it.

You can always check HW Sams to see if they list it and can buy it from


Dennis <> wrote in message
I am trying to repair my TV and need a schematic for the set. I have
been unable to obtain one through the internet and was hopeful someone
might happen to have this schematic.

I appreciate your assistance and suggestions.
If a symptom and the diagnostic information were posted, specific help might
be available.

The CS2720 is one of the sets that is likely to have at least a dozen or so
bad caps, some that leak electrolyte. Before you do much else you should be
checking all of the polar electrolytics for electrolyte leakage and ESR.

The service manual is available from Mitsubishi on paper. It was never
available electronically, which is why you won't find it online unless
someone has scanned a copy.

Mitsubishi never "dropped support" for their direct view sets any more than
they have done for any other product or model that is discontinued. They
still have many parts for these sets, while most of the circuit board stock
was depleted, just like RPTV products from the same time period. Tech
support is available, service tips are available, and, as I said, many parts
are still available. I spoke to a tech at Mitsubishi last week about a
direct view set.

Please get your facts straight David, before you post. Most of your posts
are very helpful, but when you speak of things you don't know you may
mislead people.

Leonard Caillouet

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