Need Recommendation for Repair Shop in Orlando Area

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good, reputable electronics repair shop in the Orlando area, or even someone who could fix something privately. I recently sold a large turntable to an eBay buyer in this area (shipping from Canada, very $$$), it appears to have gotten damaged in shipping and I would prefer to reimburse the buyer for a local repair rather than pay to have it shipped back. The unit is a Mitsubishi X-10 music center (upright turntable similar to LT-5V, but with radio and cassette), circa 1981, so I want to find someone who is familiar with vintage electronics like this and won't charge and arm and a leg to fix it.
Need a reply ASAP, thanks for any help.
On Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:50:58 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good, reputable electronics repair shop in the Orlando area, or even someone who could fix something privately. I recently sold a large turntable to an eBay buyer in this area (shipping from Canada, very $$$), it appears to have gotten damaged in shipping and I would prefer to reimburse the buyer for a local repair rather than pay to have it shipped back. The unit is a Mitsubishi X-10 music center (upright turntable similar to LT-5V, but with radio and cassette), circa 1981, so I want to find someone who is familiar with vintage electronics like this and won't charge and arm and a leg to fix it. Need a reply ASAP, thanks for any help.

Best I cna do is Clearwater TV in Clearwater. I know the guy that owns it, but I will teel you know that he is not cheap.

Besides, why do you care what it costs ? That is on the insurancee, right ?

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