Jon Elson
We had an ASIC made through MOSIS, and they were supposed to make it die
down, but they have made it die UP by mistake. The only real problem is
the gull-wing bending of the leads goes the wrong way. Does anyone know
if there are tools to bend the leads after they have been sheared from
the leadframe? I assume the normal way is they break the corners of the
leadframe, but keep the edge strips on when forming the gull-wings. Now
that the edge strips are sheared off, it would be a lot harder to keep
the leads straight.
This chip is a 128-pin LQFP with 0.4mm lead pitch, if that helps any.
Thanks much in advance for any ideas.
(Yes, we are going to have MOSIS re-make the chip, but that is going to
take months, for sure.)
We had an ASIC made through MOSIS, and they were supposed to make it die
down, but they have made it die UP by mistake. The only real problem is
the gull-wing bending of the leads goes the wrong way. Does anyone know
if there are tools to bend the leads after they have been sheared from
the leadframe? I assume the normal way is they break the corners of the
leadframe, but keep the edge strips on when forming the gull-wings. Now
that the edge strips are sheared off, it would be a lot harder to keep
the leads straight.
This chip is a 128-pin LQFP with 0.4mm lead pitch, if that helps any.
Thanks much in advance for any ideas.
(Yes, we are going to have MOSIS re-make the chip, but that is going to
take months, for sure.)