need pinout of FPT100A phototransistor

Hi, I have some FTP100A phototransistors (3) which
I want to use to make an optical switch, like
an optoisolator.

But I cannot find the pinout information for this part.
I found one online datasheet, but it didn't show a picture
of the package

It has 3 pins and a flat side. It also has a clear
top, and I can see down inside, to the photoreceptor

Any leads appreciated.
In article <>, wrote:
Hi, I have some FTP100A phototransistors (3) which
I want to use to make an optical switch, like
an optoisolator.

But I cannot find the pinout information for this part.
I found one online datasheet, but it didn't show a picture
of the package
so with three leads there's 6 possible ways to hook the device up, and if
you just guess, getting it wrong is unlikey to damage it,

follow the example circuit on the data sheet, or any other phototransistor
circuit, if it doesn't function dtry a different orientation.

Why didn't you get pre-fabricated opto-isolators like the 2N138

Jasen Betts <> wrote in

In article <>, wrote:
Hi, I have some FTP100A phototransistors (3) which
I want to use to make an optical switch, like
an optoisolator.

But I cannot find the pinout information for this part.
I found one online datasheet, but it didn't show a picture
of the package

so with three leads there's 6 possible ways to hook the device up, and
if you just guess, getting it wrong is unlikey to damage it,

follow the example circuit on the data sheet, or any other
phototransistor circuit, if it doesn't function dtry a different

Why didn't you get pre-fabricated opto-isolators like the 2N138

Hold the transistor so you're looking at the base, where the leads come
out. Rotate it so one pin is on the left, one is on the right, and one is
in the top-center position. The left is emitter, the center is the base,
and the right is the collector.

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