Rob Gaddi
Hey all --
I've got a client breathing down my neck, asking if there's anything
that can be done to accelerate a design we're doing for them. The one
piece of the design that's really going to take me some serious time is
figuring out the PCI Express nonsense.
The target FPGA is an Arria II GX. We plan to implement an 8 lane, Gen
1 PCIe link over a cable back to the host processor. I was thinking of
using the PLDA EZDMA core to try to speed the design up; they're hoping
to have this entire thing up and running in weeks.
Does anyone have any experience with PCIe on the Arria II GX, either
with the help of someone's expensive IP core or just going straight into
Altera's hard IP block?
Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology
Email address is currently out of order
I've got a client breathing down my neck, asking if there's anything
that can be done to accelerate a design we're doing for them. The one
piece of the design that's really going to take me some serious time is
figuring out the PCI Express nonsense.
The target FPGA is an Arria II GX. We plan to implement an 8 lane, Gen
1 PCIe link over a cable back to the host processor. I was thinking of
using the PLDA EZDMA core to try to speed the design up; they're hoping
to have this entire thing up and running in weeks.
Does anyone have any experience with PCIe on the Arria II GX, either
with the help of someone's expensive IP core or just going straight into
Altera's hard IP block?
Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology
Email address is currently out of order