Hi !
I am still looking for parts for a project my son wants to do for
his scout troop on an echo chamber. Due to the fact that we are very
short on funds and bucket brigade chips seem to be a collectors
piece...I figure we could ask for anyone with old record, erase and
playback heads from old tape recorders or just old tape recorders (reel
to reel will be the best) to donate them. I figure if the oildrum
technology and the chip technology is too expensive and complex maybe
an old fashioned tape echo might be simple enough. So PLEASE! if you
can help out please let me know.
I am still looking for parts for a project my son wants to do for
his scout troop on an echo chamber. Due to the fact that we are very
short on funds and bucket brigade chips seem to be a collectors
piece...I figure we could ask for anyone with old record, erase and
playback heads from old tape recorders or just old tape recorders (reel
to reel will be the best) to donate them. I figure if the oildrum
technology and the chip technology is too expensive and complex maybe
an old fashioned tape echo might be simple enough. So PLEASE! if you
can help out please let me know.