need microswitch



I need to replace two microswitches that are in my Porsche spoiler
assembly. The OEM switches are special Burgess V4NS-9100xx, where
x=cannot be read. They are pre-wired, moulded SPDT microswitches w/
peg mounting.

I found a similiar switch: Burgess 0305A 9100403. It has the same body
and switch type BUT the plunger is slightly shorter. The mechanical
actuator in the car does not push the plunger in enough to switch it
reliably. Bummer.

So, I need a another switch.

Any suggestions for online research or ???

sand the top of it and solder on a couple of brass wsahers or
nuts, what ever you need to extend it.

KZR wrote:

I need to replace two microswitches that are in my Porsche spoiler
assembly. The OEM switches are special Burgess V4NS-9100xx, where
x=cannot be read. They are pre-wired, moulded SPDT microswitches w/
peg mounting.

I found a similiar switch: Burgess 0305A 9100403. It has the same body
and switch type BUT the plunger is slightly shorter. The mechanical
actuator in the car does not push the plunger in enough to switch it
reliably. Bummer.

So, I need a another switch.

Any suggestions for online research or ???


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