Need information for chips FA4111 and M52722P



Hi there. My monitor (Dell D1626HT) is losing blue and I've narrowed
the problem down to these 2 chips: Hitachi FA4111 and Mitsubishi
M52722P. I need the datasheets for these chips to find out which is
faulty. Also, I've had difficulty finding a place that sells M52722P
chip, does anyone know where it can be bought? Thanks.


Dell D1626HT monitor (Sony chassis SCC-L04K-A) with no red color. After
check and replace de IC403 (FA4111) without result, I think the problem can
be caused by malfunction of IC402 (M52722P). I haven't any datasheet of
M52722P and I can't find in Mitsubishi Semiconductor site.

In the schematic, the Red input to IC402 is to pin 17, and is about 2.8V.
Red drive (pin 18) is about 3.9V, Red hold (pin 35) is about 4.4V, and Red
Output (pin 37) is about 2.7V. Vcc for red (12VDC) is IC402, pins 16 and 36;
red ground pins are pins 24 and 29. Red output goes to transistor Q101 (PNP,
base is about 2.8V, emitter is about 3.5V), then continues on to input at
IC403. If another IC is needed, IC402 (M52722P) is Sony part number


"mun" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hi there. My monitor (Dell D1626HT) is losing blue and I've narrowed
the problem down to these 2 chips: Hitachi FA4111 and Mitsubishi
M52722P. I need the datasheets for these chips to find out which is
faulty. Also, I've had difficulty finding a place that sells M52722P
chip, does anyone know where it can be bought? Thanks.


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