Need HP4062 Info, please


Jerry R

Please help.

The computer on our HP 4062A Semiconductor Parametric Tester died. Yeah, I
know, we should've upgraded it 10 years ago while it was still supported,
but nobody wanted to lay out the capital funds. I am now tasked with taking
the system components (below) and building a new PC-based system. The
components are:

HP4820B C Meter/C-V Plotter
HP4141B Stimulus/Measurement Unit
HP4084B Switch Matrix Controller (with a 4085 switch)

Now for the bad news: I don't have any of the component's documentation,
except the 4820. Searches on have yeilded nothing useful
(they're obsolete and they stopped supporting them years ago).

I need the HP-IB commands and data format info for the 4141 and the
4084/4085. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

jerry (period) roush (Shift+2) honeywell,com
Jerry R wrote:
Please help.

The computer on our HP 4062A Semiconductor Parametric Tester died. Yeah, I
know, we should've upgraded it 10 years ago while it was still supported,
but nobody wanted to lay out the capital funds. I am now tasked with taking
the system components (below) and building a new PC-based system. The
components are:

HP4820B C Meter/C-V Plotter
HP4141B Stimulus/Measurement Unit
HP4084B Switch Matrix Controller (with a 4085 switch)

Now for the bad news: I don't have any of the component's documentation,
except the 4820. Searches on have yeilded nothing useful
(they're obsolete and they stopped supporting them years ago).

I need the HP-IB commands and data format info for the 4141 and the
4084/4085. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Keep an eye on ebay, you might find another system fairly cheap.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Jerry R wrote:
<Summary: The OP is looking for HP4062 documentation.>

I used to be the 4062 engineer for one HP's (later Agilent's) internal
IC divisions. I'll see what documentation I can turn up. Right now,
all I can find is a 2.4Mb PDF version of the 4062 programming reference
- would that be useful? If so, I can email it to you.

You mentioned you tried the Agilent website - did you try Google or used
equipment vendors?

Bob Pownall
"Bob Pownall" <> wrote in message
Jerry R wrote:
Summary: The OP is looking for HP4062 documentation.

I used to be the 4062 engineer for one HP's (later Agilent's) internal IC
divisions. I'll see what documentation I can turn up. Right now, all I
can find is a 2.4Mb PDF version of the 4062 programming reference - would
that be useful? If so, I can email it to you.

You mentioned you tried the Agilent website - did you try Google or used
equipment vendors?

Bob Pownall
Thanks for all the help, Bob!!

Welcome to

