Anthony Fremont
Hello all,
Danny got me thinking about my op-amp stuff, so I resurrected it for
another application/experiment. Now what I'm doing is that I'm trying
to "hear" some tapping type noises (actually an antique clock
tick-tock). What I want to do is to measure the spacing between the
beats. I'm sure to be in violation of someone's patent, but this is for
personal use so on to the show. ;-)
I am currently using the circuit below. The 10K voltage dividers were
empirically picked so that the idle output voltage of the 741 is 2.52V,
the divider on the 393 is at 2.50V leaving a 20mV difference.
Everything works pretty much as expected (i.e. the 393's output rides at
+5V until a loud enough noise causes the comparator output to flip) A
"loud enough noise" is anything that causes the 741's output to shift by
more than about 20mV. What I'm seeing on the scope peaks at about 500mV
on the output of the 741.
The 393 then swings low on the peaks of the tick sound like I want, but
the the comparator's output swings high again between the peaks of the
audio waves (every couple of mS) giving me a stream of pulses. What I
want is for the output to pull low and stay low until the tick sound
decays a bit (interpret this as about 50mS'ish ;o). IOW, I want to low
pass filter the output of the 393. The base pitch of the sound seems to
be around 600Hz or so. The sharp intial attack is all I'm really after,
the main jist of the sound is between 40 and 60mS in length.
I tried putting a 1uF cap to ground on the output of the 393. This
helps, but I still get allot of ripple on the low signal. Bigger caps
do better, but they also lead to real slow rise times even with the
fairly stout pullup (2K). What do I do now? I think I need to add some
RC time constant somewhere, but not sure where.
+ + +
| | |
| | |
.-. .-. .-.
| |10K | |10K | |
| | ___ 100K | | | |2K
'-' .---|___|----. '-' '-'
| | | | |
| | | | |
10uF 1K | | LM741 | | LM393|\| |
|| ___ | | |\| | o--------|-\ |
|\ __ .--||--|___|---(---o-------|-\ | | | >--o--->OUT
| | |- || | | >-o----(--------|+/
| |__|---------------o-----------|+/ | |/|
|/ | |/| |
.-. .-.
Speaker IN | |10K | |10K
| | | |
'-' '-'
| |
| |
=== ===
(created by AACircuit v1.28.4 beta 13/12/04 www.tech-chat.de)
Danny got me thinking about my op-amp stuff, so I resurrected it for
another application/experiment. Now what I'm doing is that I'm trying
to "hear" some tapping type noises (actually an antique clock
tick-tock). What I want to do is to measure the spacing between the
beats. I'm sure to be in violation of someone's patent, but this is for
personal use so on to the show. ;-)
I am currently using the circuit below. The 10K voltage dividers were
empirically picked so that the idle output voltage of the 741 is 2.52V,
the divider on the 393 is at 2.50V leaving a 20mV difference.
Everything works pretty much as expected (i.e. the 393's output rides at
+5V until a loud enough noise causes the comparator output to flip) A
"loud enough noise" is anything that causes the 741's output to shift by
more than about 20mV. What I'm seeing on the scope peaks at about 500mV
on the output of the 741.
The 393 then swings low on the peaks of the tick sound like I want, but
the the comparator's output swings high again between the peaks of the
audio waves (every couple of mS) giving me a stream of pulses. What I
want is for the output to pull low and stay low until the tick sound
decays a bit (interpret this as about 50mS'ish ;o). IOW, I want to low
pass filter the output of the 393. The base pitch of the sound seems to
be around 600Hz or so. The sharp intial attack is all I'm really after,
the main jist of the sound is between 40 and 60mS in length.
I tried putting a 1uF cap to ground on the output of the 393. This
helps, but I still get allot of ripple on the low signal. Bigger caps
do better, but they also lead to real slow rise times even with the
fairly stout pullup (2K). What do I do now? I think I need to add some
RC time constant somewhere, but not sure where.
+ + +
| | |
| | |
.-. .-. .-.
| |10K | |10K | |
| | ___ 100K | | | |2K
'-' .---|___|----. '-' '-'
| | | | |
| | | | |
10uF 1K | | LM741 | | LM393|\| |
|| ___ | | |\| | o--------|-\ |
|\ __ .--||--|___|---(---o-------|-\ | | | >--o--->OUT
| | |- || | | >-o----(--------|+/
| |__|---------------o-----------|+/ | |/|
|/ | |/| |
.-. .-.
Speaker IN | |10K | |10K
| | | |
'-' '-'
| |
| |
=== ===
(created by AACircuit v1.28.4 beta 13/12/04 www.tech-chat.de)