need help with ALU 8 BIT




im a student. beginner to vhdl so bear with me :)

below is part of my ALU 8 bit program. currently im editing my
program so that it can detect the overflow, zero and carry-out flag.
what is the best approach to solve this let say operation (a+b) it
will detect flag carry, zero and overflow? i try to add as new
variable as below

function arith_add (operand_A, operand_B : std_logic_vector(7 downto
return std_logic_vector is

variable arith_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable carry_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable carry_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
variable overflow : std_logic;

-- condition for this (A+B) operation
carry_in := carry_out;
carry_out := "00000000";
--overflow(7) := '1';

-- compute the result of adder

for i in 0 to 7 loop

arith_out(i) := (operand_A(i) xor operand_B(i)) xor carry_in(i);
carry_out(i+1) := (operand_A(i) and operand_B(i)) or
((operand_A(i) xor operand_B(i)) and carry_in(i));

end loop;
return arith_out;
if carry_out(7) := '1' then
return overflow;
end if

I also need to design this using RTL concept which consist of
datapath, controller and structural. My plan is currently to control
the input operand_B by using multiplexer (because operand_A) will
always be used every time arithmetic operation.
What i want to do is to say something like when i select operand (A+B)
operand_B is positive/1, when (A-B) operand_B is negative.. (based on
the full adder truth table). can anybody teach me how to assign this ?

which one would be the better option either to write using function or
procedure ? pls give comments ?

thank you very much.

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