Need help with a CD4059A "Divide-By-N" Chip

I need help setting up this to an N factor of 1000. I am trying to lay this
chip out on a PCB. I have the manufacturer data sheets, but I don't
understand them.

Any help would be great.
i just took a look at that.
from what i can see it creates a
group counter value that you use as
the down counter segment.
in other words if you use the /2 then
the down counter will work in /2 sections
if you select the /5 then each down count
will go in /5 counts.
that is the way i understand it.
so you can have a divide by 2,5,8,10
for each down count etc..
i think its nothing more than a pre'scaler
that feeds the common down counter.
that is just what i got from reading it. wrote:

I need help setting up this to an N factor of 1000. I am trying to lay this
chip out on a PCB. I have the manufacturer data sheets, but I don't
understand them.

Any help would be great.

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