Can anyone help?
I have a 1/4 hp ac motor that I am looking to make into a drum sander
so the motor that I have has eight wires. The diagram is as shows
Purple ------------------ ung'd line
brown -------\ |
\ |
red ---------+-------- |
/ |---------low voltage line (110 side)
orange -------/ | 110/220
yellow -------\ |
\ |
black ---------+--------------
green with stripe ------ ground
It says on the label this is for cw direction and if switch the black
and the red wire I get ccw direction. (or vice versa I forget which)
I bought a Double Pole Double Throw three position toggle switch
(on-off-on) but I just cannot figure out the proper wiring. I want it
so that I have cw on one side of the toggle - center being off and ccw
on the other side of the toggle. Can this be done? - If so - cna
someone tell me how to wire it. If not - is it the switch or is it that
I cannot do what I want with this motor. I guess I can always just use
one direction but it would be nice if I can reverse it.
Thanks in advance,
I have a 1/4 hp ac motor that I am looking to make into a drum sander
so the motor that I have has eight wires. The diagram is as shows
Purple ------------------ ung'd line
brown -------\ |
\ |
red ---------+-------- |
/ |---------low voltage line (110 side)
orange -------/ | 110/220
yellow -------\ |
\ |
black ---------+--------------
green with stripe ------ ground
It says on the label this is for cw direction and if switch the black
and the red wire I get ccw direction. (or vice versa I forget which)
I bought a Double Pole Double Throw three position toggle switch
(on-off-on) but I just cannot figure out the proper wiring. I want it
so that I have cw on one side of the toggle - center being off and ccw
on the other side of the toggle. Can this be done? - If so - cna
someone tell me how to wire it. If not - is it the switch or is it that
I cannot do what I want with this motor. I guess I can always just use
one direction but it would be nice if I can reverse it.
Thanks in advance,