need help wiring an ac motor

Can anyone help?

I have a 1/4 hp ac motor that I am looking to make into a drum sander


so the motor that I have has eight wires. The diagram is as shows

Purple ------------------ ung'd line
brown -------\ |
\ |
red ---------+-------- |
/ |---------low voltage line (110 side)
orange -------/ | 110/220
yellow -------\ |
\ |
black ---------+--------------

green with stripe ------ ground

It says on the label this is for cw direction and if switch the black
and the red wire I get ccw direction. (or vice versa I forget which)

I bought a Double Pole Double Throw three position toggle switch
(on-off-on) but I just cannot figure out the proper wiring. I want it
so that I have cw on one side of the toggle - center being off and ccw
on the other side of the toggle. Can this be done? - If so - cna
someone tell me how to wire it. If not - is it the switch or is it that
I cannot do what I want with this motor. I guess I can always just use
one direction but it would be nice if I can reverse it.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Rich,

Thanks for the info. I still do not get it though

There are six posts on the switch

3 wires on the cord (i know green goes to ground)

That leaves 7 wires to be attached to the switch. Where do I put those.

I realize that I probably have to keep

brown and orange together

yellow and white together

do I use the purple ungrounded wire at all?

If I were to look at the posts

1----2 on cw
| |
| |
3 4 off
| |
| |
5----6 on ccw

what gets attached where.

Thanks again -


Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 10:48:47 -0700, jreim wrote:
[motor diagram snipped]
It says on the label this is for cw direction and if switch the
and the red wire I get ccw direction. (or vice versa I forget

I bought a Double Pole Double Throw three position toggle switch
(on-off-on) but I just cannot figure out the proper wiring. I want
so that I have cw on one side of the toggle - center being off and
on the other side of the toggle. Can this be done? - If so - cna
someone tell me how to wire it. If not - is it the switch or is it
I cannot do what I want with this motor. I guess I can always just
one direction but it would be nice if I can reverse it.

Crossover Switch:

former Black ----+---------o on 1A
| \
| off o o------- New Black
| 1C
Former Red --- | ---+----o on 1B
| |
| |
| `----o on 2A
| \
| off o o------- New Red
| 2C
`---------o on 2B

Thanks Rich

Rich Grise wrote:
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:44:49 -0700, jreim wrote:

Hi Rich,

Thanks for the info. I still do not get it though

There are six posts on the switch

3 wires on the cord (i know green goes to ground)

That leaves 7 wires to be attached to the switch. Where do I put

I realize that I probably have to keep

brown and orange together

yellow and white together

do I use the purple ungrounded wire at all?

If the diagram that you gave in your first post is accurate, and the
motor runs (in one direction) then leave them the way they are.
to your original post, only the black and red needed to be swapped to

reverse the motor.

If I were to look at the posts

1----2 on cw
| |
| |
3 4 off
| |
| |
5----6 on ccw

I've replaced my designators with your numbers:

Crossover Switch:

Black ----+---------o 1
| \
| off o o------- to terminal black/red
| 3
Red --- | ---+----o 5
| |
| |
| `----o 2
| \
| off o o------- to terminal red/black
| 4
`---------o 6

I've done the switch diagram in the way a standard schematic
is done. For each switch, there are three positions:

On Off On
o 1,2 o 1,2 o 1,2
o o 3,4 o---o 3,4 o o 3,4
o 5,6 o 5,6 o 5,6

Interpose this between wherever the red and black are coming
from, and the point where they attach. Connect the black wire
to 1 and 6, and connect 3 to the terminal block on the motor.
Connect the red wire to 2 and 5, and connect 4 to the terminal
block on the motor.

But this is all assuming that the rest of the wires don't
need to be changed _at all_ - if that's not the case, then
we need more information.

Good Luck!

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