Need Help for Temperature Control System


Thomas Ritche

Hi All

I want to construct a Temperature Control System myself.
I want to use a Thermocouple to sense the Temperature.
(Thermocouple generate 0 mv at 0 degree celcius and
150 mv at 300 degree celcius)
I want to control the temperature range between 0 to
300 degree Celcius.
I want to use analog system and controls.

Can any tell me about a web site which showing a complete
circuit diagram of Temperature Control System which I want.

Thomas Ritche
On Sat, 02 Aug 2003 14:06:53 +0100, Thomas Ritche wrote:

I want to construct a Temperature Control System myself. I want to use a
Thermocouple to sense the Temperature. (Thermocouple generate 0 mv at 0
degree celcius and 150 mv at 300 degree celcius)
Those temperatures are actually the difference between the "hot" and
"cold" junctions. This means that if the temperature you want to measure
is 0 Celsius, and your instrument (where the "cold" junction normally
lives) is at room temperature, say 20 Celsius, you won't get zero, you'll
get minus 20 reading. You need to incorporate circuitry that will
compensate for the "cold" junction temperature.

I want to control the
temperature range between 0 to 300 degree Celcius. I want to use analog
system and controls.
You could just use an op amp to amplify the thermocouple voltage to a
level where you can use a comparator against a voltage derived from a
calibrated potentiometer. That'll give you simple on-off control, or
replace the comparator with a summing amplifier which will give voltage
proportional to deviation from set point. If you want integral and
derivative terms, things get complicated. There are (or used to be, it's
been a while) devices that do the whole CJ comp / PID thing on one chip.

Can any tell me about a web site which showing a complete circuit
diagram of Temperature Control System which I want.
Just Google. You'll probably find ready made controls which are quite

Then there's duct tape ...
(Garrison Keillor)
Thomas Ritche wrote:
Hi All

I want to construct a Temperature Control System myself.
I want to use a Thermocouple to sense the Temperature.
(Thermocouple generate 0 mv at 0 degree celcius and
150 mv at 300 degree celcius)
I want to control the temperature range between 0 to
300 degree Celcius.
I want to use analog system and controls.

Can any tell me about a web site which showing a complete
circuit diagram of Temperature Control System which I want.
Here is a start in understanding how to get a linear temperature
reading out of a thermocouple:

A PI controller is little more than an inverting opamp with an R and a
C in series in the feedback path. Of course the values have to be
tuned to match the system being controlled.

The output depends entirely on what you are controlling.

John Popelish
Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C
in 0.5°C increments; Fahrenheit equivalent is
-67°F to +257°F in 0.9°F increments

He wants 0 to +300C

Any other ideas?

I need one to measure a solar cooker project.

Bob Huish

the Wiz wrote: (Thomas Ritche) wrote:

Hi All

I want to construct a Temperature Control System myself.
I want to use a Thermocouple to sense the Temperature.
(Thermocouple generate 0 mv at 0 degree celcius and
150 mv at 300 degree celcius)
I want to control the temperature range between 0 to
300 degree Celcius.
I want to use analog system and controls.

Can any tell me about a web site which showing a complete
circuit diagram of Temperature Control System which I want.

Thomas Ritche

You might want to use a more modern alternative to a thermocouple, such as the
Dallas Semiconductor DS1620/21 or similar. These devices are much easier to
interface than a thermocouple and their ouput is much closer to linear.

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